without violence and without drugs
Reflections by comrade Fidel: without violence and without drugs
Yesterday I analyzed the horrible act of violence against U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in which 18 people have been reached by the bullets, six died and the other 12 were injured, several of them very serious, including the deputy shot in the head. The medical team was only as an alternative to try to keep them alive and to avoid the consequences of the criminal act possible. The
this 9 year old girl who died was on the same day of the destruction of the Twin Towers was born and in school it was an excellent student. Her mother explained that we must put an end to so much hatred.
I was reminded of a painful reality that would certainly upset many honest, not by the lies and hatred poisoned Americans. How many of you know that Latin America is that world region where the greatest disparity exists in the distribution of wealth? How many of them are on the infant, child and maternal mortality rates, life expectancy, medical care, child labor, education and the overwhelming poverty in other countries in the hemisphere have been informed?
the basis of the heinous events of yesterday in Arizona I'll show only the rate of violence.
I said before that year year hundreds of thousands of poverty and underdevelopment pursued Latin American and Caribbean emigrants who go to the United States to be arrested and often separated from their closest family members and returned to their countries of origin.
I repeat, the money and goods can cross the border freely, not the people. However, the drugs and weapons cross the line in one direction and other incessantly. The United States is the largest drug consumer in the world and the largest supplier of arms, symbolized by the website of Sarah Palin published or visor with the M-16 rifle on the election posters of former Marines Jesse Kelly to shoot with the subliminal message that the entire magazine.
know the public opinion of the United States with the social inequality and poverty in the related level of violence in Latin America?
Why can not publish the relevant information?
In an article published on the website of the ALAI English journalist and writer Xavier Caño Tamayo information is provided, which should know the Americans.
Although its author doubts on the methods used to nowadays in order to defeat the accumulated power of the major drug dealers doubt, provides his article undisputed valuable information I'll try to summarize very briefly.
"... 27% of violent deaths in the world occur in Latin America, though its population accounts for only around 9% of world population. In the last ten years, 1,200,000 people in the region have found a violent death.
violent slums, which are occupied by the military police massacre in Mexico; Zwangsverschwundene, murders and massacres in Colombia. [...] There is the highest murder rate in the world in Latin America. "
" How is this cruel reality to be explained? "
" The answer can be found In a new study of the Latin American Foundation for the Social Sciences. The report shows how poverty, the social inequality and lack of opportunities, the main reasons for the violence, although the drug trade and the trade impact of light weapons as an accelerator of violent crime. "
" The Ibero-American organization for youth that half member, the 100 million Latin American young people between 15 and 24 do not work or a chance to get one. [...] The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), according to the region has one of the highest rates of informal work with young people, it is also so that one in four young people working or still in training. "
" According to the ECLAC in Latin America have suffered in recent years 35% of the population in poverty or extreme poverty and suffering. Nearly 190 million Latin Americans. And the OECD, in Latin America before the end of 2010 another 40 million people will be in danger of falling into poverty or. "
" The United Nations, speaks of poverty, when people are unable to meet their main needs, to live in dignity, that is enough food, drinking water, live in adequate housing, essential health care, basic education ... The World Bank measures poverty in these figures, adding that a person is extremely poor if she lives on less than $ 1.25 per day in need. "
", released by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch report 2010 on the world's wealth, according to the wealth of rich Latin Americans [...] in 2009 have grown by 15%. [...] In the past two years, the wealth of rich Latin Americans more than those from all other regions of the world grew. According to the report by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch are rich by 500,000. Half a million to 190 million people. [...] If few have so much, it lacks many of everything. "
"... There are other reasons that explain the violence in Latin America. [...] The poverty and social inequality are always associated with death and pain. [...] Is it perhaps a coincidence that occur [...] 64% of the eight million deaths due to cancer in the world in regions with lower income, for which only 5% of the money spent on the fight against cancer?
If you ask her heart and have a look in the eye: Could you live with $ 1.25 per day, "said Xavier Caño closes his analysis?.
The news of the massacre in Arizona today to take the most important room in the comments of the U.S. press media.
The specialists of the Medical Center of the University of Arizona in Tucson are cautiously optimistic. They have praised the work of rescue personnel, by them it was possible to operate the MP just 38 minutes after the shot. This information was now known about 6:00 p.m. to 19:00 clock Internet.
her opinion, "is the bullet at the front penetrated close to the brain mass, on the left side of the head."
"She can perform simple instructions, but we know that with further swelling of the brain deterioration could happen, "confirmed them.
you explain the details of all steps undertaken to control breathing and reduce the pressure in the brain. They also add that the recovery may take weeks or months. The neurosurgeons in general and the disciplines associated with this area will follow the information that team closely.
The Cubans always pursue everything up close, that has to do with health, they are usually well informed and will be delighted with the success of these doctors.
We know to what extremes the violence has increased on the other side of the border, in the nearby Mexican states, where there are excellent doctors. It does not happen often that penetrates the mafia of drug trafficking, equipped with sophisticated weapons the U.S. defense industry, in the operating room to complete the killing. The infant mortality rate
in Cuba is less than 5 per thousand live births, and the death rate due to violence by 5 per hundred thousand inhabitants.
Although it violates our modesty, it is to say a bitter duty to ensure that our Populated with blockade, threatened and maligned country has demonstrated that the Latin American peoples to live without violence and without drugs. You can even, so it's been more than half a century, live without relations with the United States. The latter we have not proved, but they.
Fidel Castro Ruz
9th January 2011
19:56 clock
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