Monday, January 10, 2011

Cardy Uggs Look Alike

The crime against the Democratic U.S. Rep.

Reflections by comrade Fidel: The crime against the Democratic U.S. Rep.

How known to the State of Arizona with a Mexico of the United States, among many other pieces of land seized from area, a scene of painful events because of the hundreds of Latin Americans who immigrate to the attempt in the United States has come, died. Your goal is to be to find a job, or to be granted family reunification with their parents, spouses or other close family members who live there.

They are the ones who run this country the hardest work and live permanently in front of fear arrest and forced deportation. Despite the drastic measures is growing year by year, the number of people who die trying, and hundreds of thousands People are annually returned to their countries of origin.

A constantly increasing number of Americans opposes the abuse. This is the case of those who the young Congressman Gabrielle Giffords supported and they have chosen for the third time.

The State of Arizona is now one of the richest in the United States, thanks to there sponsored minerals, especially copper and molybdenum, thanks to the extensive cotton and beef production, for which they make use of extensive lands, thanks to the beautiful landscapes like the Grand Canyon from the Colorado River, regarded as one of the most beautiful of the planet, and thanks to one of the three major indigenous communities. 30 million domestic and foreign tourists annually visit the state. About 30% of its population are Hispanic American origin. tries

On the other hand, the Tea Party, composed of the most reactionary and politically reactionary elements of society to entrain the Republican party to extremist and armed positions, in the midst of crisis and disappointment because of the promise of Obama, which he did not wanted to meet or knew not to comply, the country would lead to the abyss. From the upcoming debate is required is to draw the sensible conclusion.

about the health of members of Congress this morning, on Monday the 10th January, a English digital press organ, El Mundo, the following releases:

"The bullet penetrated the head and back of the U.S. Congress, [...] passed through the left cerebral hemisphere and worn on the front page. After two operating hours when the remaining remnants of the bullet, and a portion of dead brain tissue, and almost half of the skull - the for later reimplantation was kept - have been removed to show the surgeon of the University Hospital of Tucson [...], cautiously 'optimistic .

The operation seems to have gone well, said Dr. Peter Rhee, head of trauma at the hospital. He explained that the patient, although she was under the influence of tranquilizers and get artificial respiration and talk therefore can not, but was able to communicate through gestures and follow simple instructions, such as a hand press or to raise two fingers ', which is a sign that the one brain function' exists. "

" Dr. Francisco Villarejo, director of neurosurgery of the hospital and the Hospital Niño Jesús La Luz, with enough experience in such operations, El Mundo said the following: 'the most dangerous for the MP now is that the brain may swell, because the bullet was traveling and carried away pieces of bone that can produce a brain swelling. This risk is even greater after the operation, as this area is very sensitive. "

Hopefully, the world public as quickly as possible, clearly and precisely know the real state of the congressmen. That interests us all.

Fidel Castro Ruz

10th January 2011
19.11 clock


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