I had in recent weeks, often times mentioned, the controversial president of the new Gesetespaket Martinelli . Now go the protests (in which I've even participated in part) to a very different and violent level. I do not know how or whether überhaput turned up this issue in the German news. In the Caribbean banana region Bocas del Toro already two people have died in the streets ...
Here is the map for orientation: (click for more info on the icons)
This article from the TAZ I am here on the Internet on the way running, and shortly describes the situation quite well.
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struggle burning barricades
A strike in a banana plantation takes to civil war proportions. It's not just higher wages, but the new neoliberal labor.
escalated: Police proceed with rubber bullets against the demonstrators. Photo: Reuters |
supply in the Caribbean province of Bocas del Toro on the border with Costa Rica, security forces and the striking workers of a banana plantation open battles. burn in the provincial capital Changuinola barricades, shops and cars. A police station went up in flames. Two workers were shot and injured over 300. There are also casualties among the police shot it. Over 100 strikers were arrested. There is a nightly curfew. The strikers demand the withdrawal of the newly adopted laws.
Martinelli, one of the richest men in Panama, including the owner of the largest supermarket chain in the country was in May last year as the candidate of choice he created the association "Democratic Change (CD) has been elected president. His promise: He will understand something of the economy afloat and make the country again. The global financial crisis had shaken the banking center Panamá special. The new Labour Act is now in his vision to boost the economy and create jobs. The recipe: deregulation.
see among others, the recent laws passed new rules for strikes. Companies can now dismiss the strikers and replace them with new recruits willing to work. Private investments that are considered by the government as important, can in future be approved without environmental studies. Companies are not obligated to pay union dues for their workers directly. This law was the Seventies, a gift of the left-populist dictator Omar Torrijos to the workers and the unions had guaranteed a sound financial basis. keep
To protest under Martinelli had sent in one go and immediately restrict the right to demonstrate. Those who block roads - such as unauthorized parades - is punished in the future with two years in prison. Nevertheless, the legislative package in mid-June had the largest demonstration of the effect of the Panama City had seen in years. More than 60 trade unions, Social organizations and environmental organizations have called for tens of thousands took to the streets.
In the province of Bocas del Toro banana laws have now been applied for the first time. The workers of the local Bocas Fruit Company were fighting for higher wages, overtime pay and compensation for Sunday work. The company was threatened with dismissal. It was the beginning of July to first demonstrations. The government responded by strengthening the police, and so the conflict escalated from work to fight militant protest against the new legislation. On Tuesday in all banana plantations in the country will be on strike.
Martinelli's determination that to win the fight. His Secretary of Labor Alma Lorena Cortes repeated at every opportunity: "The legislative package will not be reversed." Martinelli himself vilified in the best right-wing populist style with the strikers. The protests in Bocas del Toro are no local labor dispute, but would be handled by "foreigners and opposition". Even the burning of cars, shops and a police station, he takes no further serious. But are "a couple of drunks" responsible.
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