Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lendsey Dawn Makenzie

The inevitable war of NATO

Reflections by comrade Fidel: The inevitable war of NATO

In contrast to what happens in Egypt and Tunisia, taking Libya ranks first among the indicators of human development in Africa and has the highest life expectancy on the continent. The education and health, the state devotes special attention. The cultural level of the population is undoubtedly higher. The problems lie at another level. The population there was no lack of food and essential social services. The country needed a lot of foreign workers in order to achieve the ambitious production and social plans.

why Libya gave hundreds of thousands of people from Egypt, Tunisia, China and other countries work. It had enormous income and reserves of convertible currency to the banks of rich countries with which it bought consumer goods, and even sophisticated weapons that have been supplied by exactly the same countries that want to Libya today attacked in the name of human rights.

The giant unleashed by the mass media campaign of lies caused a great confusion in the public eye. The time will pass before one can reconstruct exactly what really happened in Libya, and differ before the real wrong of the events may have been widespread.

Responsible and respected radio stations such as Telesur were forced reporters and cameramen to the events both as a send and the other side to learn to what actually happened.

The communication links were broken, and the righteous diplomatic officials who risked their lives in which they are run on the day and night through the streets to observe the activities and then report on it. The U.S. and its main allies have used highly sophisticated means to disseminate misleading information about the events that we had to find out the truth.

doubt expressed the faces of young people who demonstrated in Benghazi, with men and women without a veil or, genuine indignation.

You can still feel the influence, play the tribal associations in this Arab country, although 95% of the population share the Muslim faith sincere.

Imperialism and NATO - seriously concerned about the revolutionary wave that has gripped the Arab countries, where much of the oil is produced, the consumption economies of the developed and rich countries maintained - did not miss it, the internal conflict in Libya exploit in order to promote a military intervention. The declarations the U.S. government were categorical in this sense from the beginning.

The circumstances could not be more favorable. In the November elections, the Republican right President Obama, a rhetoric expert, has dealt a hard blow.

The fascist group of "mission accomplished", now ideologically from the extremists of the Tea Party supports the possibilities of the current president reduced to a mere decorative role in which even his health program and questioned whether economic growth due to the budget deficit and runaway growth the public debt, which had already broken all historical records, in Dangerous goods.

Despite the lies flood and intentional confusion could the United States, China and Russia are not tempted to vote in the Security Council for military intervention in Libya, while they managed to achieve in the Human Rights Commission, the goals that they at this very moment striving . With respect to a military intervention, said the State Secretary in very clear words that "no option is ruled out."

It is a fact that Libya is in a civil war, as we anticipated, and the United Nations could do nothing to prevent this, other than the fact that its secretary general even more oil has poured into the fire.

probably have the players but never imagined that the leaders of the uprising, even in this complicated topic intervened and declared that they opposed any foreign intervention.

Several news agencies reported that Abdelhafiz Ghoga, spokesman of the Revolutionary Committee, on Monday, 28 February stated that "'the remaining areas of Libya are freed from the Libyan people".

"For the Liberation of Tripoli are we on the army," Ghoga said at the announcement of the formation of a 'National Council', in which the cities of Country should be represented that are in the hands of insurgents.

"What we need is intelligence information, but in no case shall our sovereignty by air, land or water are affected," he added during a meeting with journalists in this city, located 1,000 km east of Tripoli.

"The intransigence of the leaders of the opposition was reflected about the national sovereignty of the spontaneously expressed views of many Libyan citizens against the international press in Benghazi again," informed a report in the AFP agency on Monday.

The same day, said a professor of political science at the University of Benghazi, Abeir Imneina:

"In Libya there is a very strong national feeling."

"Also makes the example of Iraq, the Arab world fear," she says with regard to the North American Invasion . in 2003, which that country, and, finally, across to the other countries of the region that democracy should be, a hypothesis that was refuted completely by the facts "

The professor continues:

" We know what is in Iraq happened. The country is completely unstable. and we are by no means the same Way to go. We need to do not want the Americans to come here, and we get into a situation, then Gadafi cry afterwards, "said the expert.

Abeir Imneina that "there is also the feeling that this is our revolution and we are entitled to realize it."

few hours after publication of this message hastened to two of the major U.S. press institutions, The New York Times and The Washington Post to distribute new versions of the theme. In the press agency DPA reported the next day, the 1st March: "The Libyan Opposition would ask the West to strategic positions of forces loyal to Muamar el Gadafi from the air to bomb, "reports today, the U.S. press.

"The issue is being discussed just inside the Libyan Revolutionary Council" to clarify The New York Times and The Washington Post in their online versions.

"The New York Times points out that these discussions will manifest the growing frustration of the insurgent leaders, given the possibility that Gadafi the power resumes."

If "place these actions from the air within the United Nations, would they do not involve any international intervention, "said a spokesman for the Council, was quoted by The New York Times."

"The Council is made up of lawyers, academics, judges and prominent members of the Libyan society."

confirmed the message:

"The Washington Post quoted insurgents who recognized that without Western support the fight against the forces that Gadafi could to keep faith, be long and cost many human lives. "

It is striking that is mentioned in this list, not a single worker, farmer, construction worker or anyone else who stands with industrial production, the name, or a young student or fighters from the ranks of those is who are the rallies. Why is it existed to show the insurgents, as prominent members of society, calling for the bombing of the U.S. and NATO to kill Libyans?

One day you will know the truth, by persons such as the professor of political science at the University of Benghazi, the reports with great eloquence about the cruel experience in Iraq, where millions were killed by people who have lost their jobs or emigrate . had

Today, on Wednesday 2 March, presented the agency EFE the known spokesman for the insurgents, who makes statements that I think of Monday to confirm and contradict them both: "Benghazi (Libya), 2 March. The Libyan rebel leadership asked the UN Security Council order an air strike 'on the mercenaries' of the regime of Muamar el Gadafi.

"Because of the role of our armed forces as a purely defensive army can not attack these mercenaries," claimed the spokesman for the rebels, Abdelhafiz Ghoga, in a press conference in Benghazi. "

" A strategic air attack is anything but a foreign intervention that We reject, "insisted the spokesman for the opposition forces that have always spoken out against a foreign military intervention in the Libyan conflict".

Which of the numerous imperialist war similar to this? The

from Spain in 1936, that of Mussolini against Ethiopia in 1935, the George W. Bush against Iraq in 2003, or one of the dozens of wars that the United States against the peoples of Latin America, the invasion of Mexico in 1846 to the war on the Falkland Islands in 1982, broke the fence?

course, this may the mercenary invasion of the Bay of Pigs, the dirty war and the blockade against our country, the next 16th April 50 years continues, be mentioned.

In all these wars, as in the Vietnam War, millions of lives cost, ruled justifications and the most cynical measures.

For those who doubt the inevitable held military invasion of Libya, dubbed the Associated Press, which I regard as a well-informed agency, a message that was released today, confirms the "Member States of the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO) Develop an operational plan and take it as a template the flight restriction zones over the Balkans from 1990, in the event that the international community decides to impose an air embargo on Libya, "said the diplomat.

The message concluded: "The Officers whose names due to this sensitive issue could not be made public, suggests that observing movements of the flight restriction zones, the 1993 western of the military alliance with the consent of the Security Council on Bosnia had been imposed, as well as in the bombing by NATO Kosovo in 1999, had no such consent.

be continued tomorrow.

Fidel Castro Ruz

second March 2011
20.19 clock

Reflections by comrade Fidel: The inevitable war of NATO (Part Two)

As Gaddafi, the Libyan army colonel, inspired by his Egyptian colleagues Abdel Nasser in 1969 at the age of 27 years collapsed King Idris I, he pushed through measures such as the important revolutionary agrarian reform and nationalization of oil. The growing income were the economic and social development, supplied mainly to the education and health of the numerically small Libyan population that lives in a vast desert area with very little cultivable ground.

In this desert there was a wide and deep sea of fossil water. When I saw an experimental cultivation area, I had the impression that might be more valuable than oil in the future this water.

The religious faith, preached with the Muslim peoples own piety, has in part helped to compensate in this Arab country is still existing strong tribal relations.

The Libyan revolutionaries have developed their own ideas about the legal and political institutions and implemented, Cuba, respected as usual.

We refrain from any opinion about the concepts of the Libyan leadership.

We see clearly that the main concern of the United States and NATO, not Libya, but triggered in the Arab world revolutionary wave that they absolutely want to avoid.

It is an irrefutable fact that the relations between the United States and its allies from NATO with Libya over the past years have been excellent, until it came to that rebellion in Egypt and Tunisia.

For the high-level meeting between Libya and the leaders of NATO, neither side had problems with Gaddafi. The country was a secure supply of high quality oil, gas and even potassium. Beneath them in the first decades resulting problems had been overcome.

Libya opened up foreign investment in strategic sectors such as production and sale of crude oil.

Privatisation has advanced in many public companies. The International Monetary Fund has played a positive role in the implementation of these transactions.

Logically, showered with praise Aznar Gaddafi, and later Blair, Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Zapatero, and even my friend, the English king paraded before the mocking gaze of the Libyan leader. They were satisfied.

It may seem that I make fun of, but which is not so. I just wonder why they now attacked Libya and Gaddafi will bring before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

They accuse him of shooting around the clock, on unarmed, protesting citizens. Why they do not explain the world, that the weapons supplied and especially the highly developed means of repression that has Libya by the United States, Britain and other major hosts were Gaddafi?

I'm against the cynicism and lies with which we will now justify the invasion and occupation of Libya.

In May 2001 I visited Gaddafi was the last time, had attacked 15 years after Reagan's fairly modest residence and where he took me, show me what was left of it. She was a direct hit from the air has been suspended and was destroyed considerably, and his little daughter was three years old, died during the attack: it was Ronald Reagan killed. Since there were no prior consultations with NATO, the Human Rights Commission or the Security Council.

my preceding visit took place in 1977, eight years after the beginning of the revolutionary process in Libya. I went to Tripoli, the Libyan People's Congress took part in Sabha, visited the first agricultural experiments with water from this vast sea of fossil waters met Benghazi and was cordially received. It was a legendary country with historical struggles in the last world war. It was at that time less than six million inhabitants and its vast reserves of light oil and fossil water were not yet known. The former Portuguese Colonies in Africa had just been liberated.

In Angola, we have fought for 15 years against the United States on tribal basis of the organized gangs and mercenaries against the government of Mobutu and the well-equipped and trained racist apartheid army. This has the instructions of the United States, that, as we know today, Angola attacked, to prevent its independence in 1975, and they have advanced with their motorized forces to the vicinity of Luanda. Several Cuban trainers are in this brutal invasion died. Immediately the necessary equipment have been sent.

The racists, the internationalist Cuban and Angolan troops driven back to the border with Namibia, which was occupied by South Africa, 13 years long had the task of eliminating the revolutionary process in Angola.

have with the support of the United States and Israel to develop nuclear weapons. They had these weapons already, as the Cuban and Angolan troops conquered the land and air forces in Cuito Cuanavale in which the risk is increased, conventional tactics and tools used to pit in the direction of Namibia penetrate, where the apartheid forces resisted . Twice in its history, our armed forces were facing the risk of being attacked with nuclear weapons in October 1962 and in the south of Angola, but in the second case, not even the weapons that South Africa had, could have prevented the defeat, which marked the end of the hated system. The things happened during the reign of Ronald Reagan in the United States and Pieter Botha of South Africa.

from this and the hundreds of thousands of lives, cost the imperial adventure, no one speaks.

I regret to have to remember these facts because now the Arab countries great risk because they do not continue to be victims of plunder and oppression.

The revolution in the Arab world by the United States and NATO is so feared, is made by those who have no rights over those who have all the privileges, and will therefore be even more profound than the Revolution of 1789 in Europe, which was triggered by the storming of the Bastille.

Not even Louis XIV, when he announced that he was the State that had such privileges as now King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, not even the vast wealth under the surface of this almost entirely of desert existing country, where transnational companies Yankees on the promotion and thus decide on the world oil price.

Since the crisis in Libya increased the funding in Saudi Arabia to one million barrels a day, with minimal cost, and thus increase the revenue of this country and those who control it, every day at one billion U.S. dollars.

However nobody should think that the Saudi Arabian people awash in money. The news about the living conditions of many workers in the building and other branches, the 13 and 14 hours a day to work for paltry wages, are impressive.

frightened by the revolutionary wave that shook the ruling Ausplünderungssystem, and after what happened to the workers in Egypt and Tunisia, but also with the young unemployed in Jordan, the Occupied Territories of Palestine, Yemen, and even in Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, where incomes are higher, the high Saudi hierarchy is under the impression of events.

get Unlike then, the Arab world today just the information about the events, even if they are highly manipulated.

The worst thing for the status quo of the privileged classes that the bitter events coincide with a significant increase in food prices and the devastating effects of climate change together, while the United States, the largest corn producer in the world, 40 percent of the subsidized product and a important Part of the soybeans for the production of biofuel use to feed their cars. Certainly, Lester Brown, the best-informed North American ecologist in the world on agricultural products, give us an idea about the current food situation.

The Bolivarian President, Hugo Chavez is taking every possible effort to find a solution without the intervention of NATO in Libya. His ways of achieving this goal could be greater if he a widespread opinion movement before and not after the intervention managed to ensure that the peoples of the horrible experience in Iraq are not repeated in other countries . See

end of reflection.

Fidel Castro Ruz

third March 2011
22.32 clock


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