The fight against cholera
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The fight against cholera
I take a short break in the middle of many important analysis which employ me in these days to talk about two issues that our people should know.
The UN, instigated by the United States, responsible for the poverty and chaos in the Haitian Republic, had decided their occupation force, that is, the MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) to send, to the Haitian territory, which, Incidentally, the cholera epidemic has introduced in this country.
The Secretary-General the OAS for its part has decided in early 2009, Ricardo Seitenfus, a Brazilian intellectuals at that time and appoint employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of his country as his personal representative in Haiti.
Seitenfus was due to the serious and open manner with which he dealt with the problems, a well-earned reputation in the diplomatic and government circles of the capital of Haiti. In 1993, he had a book with the title written "the sovereignty of the Haitian dictators." In that year he visited Haiti for the first time
on two days before, 25 Published in December, the news agencies, the news that the Special Representative of the OAS suddenly had been deposed.
What has caused this drastic measure?
In an interview with the newspaper Le Temps in front of several days in Switzerland answered Seitenfus several issues of this newspaper and put his views honestly dar.
very briefly but literally I will explain the basis of the information, and the translation from the French, what happened was.
The first issue of Le Temps was:
"tens of thousands of UN peacekeepers in Haiti, in your opinion a counterproductive presence?"
reply from Ricardo Seitenfus:
"The Preventive System for disputes under the UN system fits not to the Haitian context. Haiti is not an international threat. We are not in a situation of civil war. [...] The Security Council [...] in 2004 after the forced departure of President Aristide, the blue helmets. [...] For the UN it was to freeze the power and to make the Haitians to prisoners in their own islands. "
Second question.
"What prevented the normalization of the Haitian situation?
Ricardo Seitenfus: Two hundred years have alternated the presence of foreign troops and the violence of dictators, not the dialogue to define the international relations with Haiti, the original sin.. of Haiti on the world stage is his liberation. The Haitians celebrated something Unacceptable in 1804: a treason for an impatient world. The West was at that time a colonial, slavery and racial favorable world whose wealth is founded on the exploitation of the conquered countries. Why did the Haitian revolutionary model of the major powers fear. The United States recognized the independence of Haiti until the year 1865, and France demanded the payment of a ransom to accept such relief. From the beginning, the independence of risk and hinders the development of the country. [...] Nothing is solved, everything is worse. You want to transform Haiti into a capitalist country, in an export platform for the U.S. market. This is absurd. [...] In this society there are elements that have to prevent the excessive violence is spreading. "
third question" Is it not an assignment to see in Haiti, a non-assimilable nation whose only future return to traditional values "
Ricardo Seitenfus: A part of Haiti's modern, urban, and focused on foreign countries, the number of expatriate Haitians are estimated at four million, it is the world open country [...] About... 90% of the education system and of health care are in private hands. The country has no public funding, a formal system at a minimal level to put in gear. [...] The problem lies in the socio-economic field. If the unemployment rate is 80%, it is unacceptable to develop a stabilization mission. There is nothing to stabilize ... "
Fourth Question
" Haiti is one of the countries with the most help from the world, yet the situation is deteriorating for twenty-five years. Why? "
Ricardo Seitenfus: The relief is effective, but if it is structurally, if they replaced the State in all its tasks, it is to a lack of collective responsibility. [...] The earthquake of 12 January and later the cholera epidemic have done nothing more than to aggravate this phenomenon. The international community has the feeling that every day must be made again, which ended the night before. [...] I had hoped that the world from the face of adversity 12th January would understand that she has been wrong with Haiti. move to [...] Instead of a balance sheet, more soldiers have been sent. It must build roads, dams are built, it must be helped to organize the state, the justice system. The UN says it has no mandate for it. . Its mandate in Haiti is to maintain the cemetery Peace
Fifth question
"The role that NGOs play in this failure"
Ricardo Seitenfus: From the earthquake, Haiti has turned into an inevitable crossroads for transnational. NGOs, Haiti has become a compulsory passage place I would even say something even worse... a vocational training center [...] There is a malicious or nefarious relationship between the power of NGOs and the weakness of the Haitian government, some NGOs have their existence to the Haitian disaster owe. "
Sixth Question
" What Mistakes have been committed after the earthquake, "
Ricardo Seitenfus:.. Due to the massive imports of consumer goods to feed the homeless, the situation of Haitian agriculture worsened the country offers an open field for all humanitarian experience, it is the moral point of view unacceptable, Haiti to be regarded as a laboratory. The reconstruction of Haiti and the promise of our emphasis of the 11 billion U.S. dollars awaken the Habzucht. [...] The Cuban-trained Haitian doctors, [...] about half [...], the should be in Haiti [...] are currently working in the United States, Canada or Franck kingdom. "
Seventh question
"Haiti is continually described as the edge of the world. Seeing the country as a concentrate our contemporary world ...?
Ricardo Seitenfus: It is the concentrate of our tragedies and the failures of international solidarity. We are not up to the challenge. The international press is coming to Haiti and describes the chaos. [...] For them, Haiti is one of the worst countries in the world. It is necessary to penetrate into the Haitian culture to put themselves in the home country. [...] No one takes the time and has no desire to understand what I would call the Haitian soul. "
Eighth question
"In addition to the admission of failure, what solutions do you suggest?
Ricardo Seitenfus: In two months I have completed a two-year mission in Haiti. To stay here and I am not from what I see, to feel depressed, I had to make me a series of psychological defense mechanisms. Despite the weight of the organization I represent, I wanted to remain an independent voice. [...] On 12 Jaguar, I learned that an extraordinary solidarity potential in the world. And it is necessary to remember that in the first days of the Haitians themselves were trying with empty hands, to save their neighbors. [...] We should remember the same time, Haiti to provide export opportunities and to protect these agricultural production, which is operated by families, because it is essential for the country. Haiti, with 1,700 kilometers of pristine coastline, the last undiscovered tourist paradise of the Caribbean [...] 200 years ago, Haiti has illuminated the history of humanity and human rights. It is now necessary to give the Haitians a chance to confirm their vision. "
One can agree with the various statements of the Brazilian Ricardo Seitenfus or not, but it is undeniable that he in his answers succinct truths expressed.
I think it is appropriate to add the following and explain:
Our country has sent not only hundreds of doctors in the neighboring sister country Haiti, but also thousands of them in other countries in the developing world, particularly in emergency situations of natural disasters, and has in the training of tens of thousands of doctors both in our country and abroad contributed.
The medical cooperation with Haiti on 12 years ago, 4 December 1998, commenced.
In the late 90's the tyranny of Duvalier and the Tonton Macoutes - which has been imposed for decades by the U.S. ceased to exist and a popularly elected government of Haiti took the lead, Cuba sent 100 doctors to provide services in this country. The first contingent of young Haitian entrants traveled in 1999 for pursuing studies in Cuba.
2001 we began a collaboration with the of President Jean Bertrand Aristide set up medical university, to which we send teachers who worked as doctors in the service of the Haitian people. When the Yankees unleashed a coup and the medical school has been transformed by the rebels in military barracks, about 270 students this school came with the lecturers to Cuba and continued her studies in our country. The Cuban Medical Mission
provided nevertheless continue its humanitarian services in Haiti, which had nothing to do with internal political problems of the country that was occupied by the rebels soldiers, the Yankee troops and the forces of MINUSTAH.
In August 2005 came the first 128 Haitian medical students of the 6th Academic year to teaching practice in their country and joined back to the Cuban doctors who rendered their services in Haiti.
Since the second half of 2006 until the second half of 2010, 625 young Haitian doctors have completed their studies, of which we have the highest opinion. Of them work 213 in the medical institutions of the Government of Haiti, 125 medical centers in the cholera control or in the brigades that visit in the smaller communities the sick, together with Cuban doctors and Latin American graduates of ELAM (Latin American School of Medicine), which combat the cholera epidemic, 72 are active in medical organizations of NGOs and in private practice, 20, in the so-called "mixed centers, 41 studying a second professional specialty in Cuba, where 27 other young graduates are already in Haiti and wait for their employment, is of other four which, 14 are due to personal circumstances such as pregnancy and motherhood is no employment relationship whereabouts unknown, and one of them died.
After working 104 in other countries, mainly in Spain, the United States, Canada and France, one in Switzerland and four in Latin American countries. It would be wrong to judge on one of them, because their country is extremely poor. There was a lack of resources and jobs and there is absolutely no evidence that any of them would have refused to serve his country. It is very popular medical values that have emerged in Haiti and Cuba.
The official number of deaths from cholera is 2707, which is a rate of 2.1%.
During three consecutive days is not one of the Cuban Medical Mission of the treated patients died of cholera. The mortality rate is among the 47 537 of them treated patients already dropped to 0.57. The epidemic can be eliminated, and thus be avoided, that it is endemic.
In tomorrow's panel discussion at six clock we will hear fresh and interesting news about the fight against cholera in Haiti and parts of major reports and authority in this matter.
I will on Tuesday the 28th, proceed to the second point.
Fidel Castro Ruz
27th December 2010 17:12
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