The main motivation of our effort
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The main motivation of our effort
The yesterday in the Round Table TV program "Mesa Redonda" published photo reportage journalist Gladys Rubio on the cholera epidemic in Haiti was so impressive that I decided, on Monday announced my reflection on today to postpone Wednesday. The intent was the same in the other from a perspective seen from analysis of the impact of the dramatic shock of that earthquake of 12 January this year for the Haitian people, which was followed by almost ten months later, a widespread epidemic across the country and a hurricane.
These events took place in a country that had been the victim of the conquerors, of colonialism and slavery. Its native population had been destroyed by the conquest and the operation carried out with all his gold mining.
The roots of the Haitian nation, the several hundred thousand people that Africa was torn by European slave traders and sold to slavery-practicing farmers in Haiti for the production of sugar, coffee and other tropical products with which those in the nascent capitalist markets supplied. The Haitian people have
beginning of the 19th Century, the first social revolution in the history of this hemisphere above. It served as a model for those who have accomplished the feat, to free South America from English domination, and has been supported with weapons.
Our solidarity with the Haitian people is based on two roots of our ideas but also of our history.
After the social revolution which took place there, the English colonial Cuba, where countless snatched from Africa and lived as slaves sold Africans into the main suppliers of coffee, sugar and other tropical Converted products.
As a result of this process, the colony of Cuba than the English colonies of South and Central America, freed after a bloody and heroic combat, brought the English city of more net income than any of those countries from achieving their independence. This fact has influenced the destiny of our homeland almost all of the following two centuries crucial.
did two days ago I explained how the medical cooperation with Haiti, has begun to have the same thanks to hundreds of young people of that country's brother is studying medicine here and Cuban medical workers were sent there. It is not a Occurrence of pure chance.
The efforts of the United States and Europe to learn about the motivations of the actions of Cuba false to hide them and to spread lies about surprise, not even us.
A well-known British newspaper, The Independent, with unquestionable prestige in the liberal media in Britain - even if she does not enjoy the of Wikileaks in The Guardian and other four organs of the press given privilege, which have asked in Washington about the most sensitive points of the information received - published three days ago a bold article by journalist Nina Lakhani under the title "Cuban Doctors in Haiti shame the world. " That's what I wanted to analyze because of the boldness with which she calls a spade a spade on the subject. This does not mean that I agreed with all their assessments about the motivations of our behavior. I will do this by means of translation and so collectively illustrate possible.
"the real heroes" - she says - "the catastrophe because of the earthquake in Haiti, the human catastrophe at the doors of the United States, in the face of Barack Obama promised a monumental humanitarian U.S. mission to alleviate them. However, the aforementioned heroes of our citizens have achieved all of the known arch-enemy of the United States, that of Cuba, whose doctors and nurses that the efforts of the United States give reason to blush.
A medical brigade of 1,200 Cubans, part of the international medical mission of Fidel Castro, who has many friends in the Socialist State but won little international recognition works throughout Haiti, a country that was devastated by the earthquake and infected by cholera is. "
" ... The arrangements for the international assistance were in the fight against desertification alone those who caused the death of 250,000 people and approximately 1.5 million their home had taken. [...] Work Cuban medical workers arrived in 1998 in Haiti, [...] in the middle of the boasting and the publicity is about the arrival of aid from the United States and Britain, hundreds of additional Cuban doctors, nurses and therapists, without which no one mentioned it would ... "
" shows the statistics published in the last week that the Cuban doctors have treated since October in the 40 institutions spread across Haiti, more than 30,000 cholera patients. They are the largest foreign contingent and treat about 40 percent of all cholera patients. Recently when it became apparent that Haiti is intent on trying to fight against the epidemic that has already killed hundreds of people came another group of physicians of the Cuban Brigade 'Henry Reeve' to a team of specialists in disaster situations and emergencies. "
" ... Cuba has 550 doctors in Haiti's Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) has trained for free. This is one of the most radical medical initiatives in the country. Currently studying a further 400 in this school, a free education - they even get the books free of charge and the students get an allowance - for those offers that require a certain Level of education, but have not study medicine in their countries can afford.
John Kirk is a professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Dalhousie, Canada, which operates the research regarding international medical team from Cuba. He said: "The contribution from Cuba to Haiti is like the biggest secret in the world. They are hardly mentioned, although they do a great amount of hard work '.
This tradition dates back to 1960, when Cuba has sent a handful of doctors to Chile after Chile had suffered from a severe earthquake, followed by Cuba in 1963 has a team of 50 doctors to Algeria sent. That was four years after the victory of the revolution, seeing as they had, like almost half of the 7,000 doctors in the country to the United States left the country. [...] "
" ... The best-known program is the 'Operation Miracle', which began with eye doctors who have treated oil in exchange for cataract sufferers in poor Venezuelan villages. Thanks to this initiative, 1.8 million people in 35 countries to see again, even Mario Terán, Bolivian sergeant who killed Che Guevara in 1967.
The brigade 'Henry Reeve', rejected by the United States after Hurricane Katrina, was the first Team, which arrived after the earthquake in Pakistan in 2005 and the last thing the country has left six months later. "
" ... According to Professor Kirk. '... This is also an obsession of Fidel and that he wins votes in the United Nations'. One third of the 75,000
Cuban doctors, along with other 10,000 employees of the health work, currently in 77 poor countries, including El Salvador, Mali and East Timor. Nevertheless, in Cuba remain one doctor per 220 people, one of the highest rates in the world, [...] the one doctor per 370 people in England is.
"Wherever they are invited to contact the Cubans their integral model, which focuses on the prevention at the center. They visit families at home, they pro-actively monitor the health of children and mothers. This one has "surprising results" achieved in some areas of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, where they reduced infant and maternal mortality and reducing infectious diseases, said the report of Professor Kirk, according to the same time remain the local staff better trained.
takes the medical training in Cuba six years - one year more than in the UK - [...] every new doctor is working at least three years as a family doctor. "
"This model has helped Cuba to achieve some of the most enviable improvements in world health, but Cuba last year, the data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, only $ 400 per person compared to $ 3,000 of United Kingdom and has issued to the 7,500 U.S. dollars of the United States.
The infant mortality rate, one of the most reliable parameters of the health of the nation is, 4.8 per 1,000 live births, comparable to the United Kingdom and lower than in the United States. Only five percent of infants are born underweight, a key factor for long-term health ... "
" IMTI Choonara, a pediatrician from Derby, [...] of the annual workshops in Camagüey, the third largest city in Cuba, takes part, confirmed: 'The health sector in Cuba is wonderful and the key to the family doctors is [...] it focused on prevention ... The irony is that the Cubans have come to the victory of the revolution in the United Kingdom, to see how the NHS (National Health System) works. They have taken what they have seen, they have improved it and developed, now we move towards the U.S. model. "
"... the North American embargo [...] prevents many companies from the U.S. to engage in trade with Cuba, and moved to other countries to follow their example. The report of 2009-2010 includes drugs against cancer in children, HIV and arthritis, some drugs and chemicals necessary to diagnose infection and to store organs for transplants. "
" ... the Cubans are immensely proud of their contribution and support in Haiti and other poor countries, and are delighted with their work in the international field to put their weight class, successful strikes ... "
"Medical training is another example. Today there are 8281 students from more than 30 countries studying in the Latin American School of Medicine, the last month, its 11th Anniversary celebrated. The government is trying to teach the students a sense of responsibility difficult, in the hope that they will work for at least the next five years within their own poor communities.
Damien Joel Suarez, 27 years old, a student coming from New Jersey in the second year, is one of the 171 American students, 47 have already completed the study. He denied the allegations of that the Latin American School of Medicine, part of the machinery for Cuban propaganda. Of course, Che is a hero, but it is not necessary to honor him. "
Not all the things they say about Cuba are positive. The article also reviews, some of which we agree and sometimes we are even stricter than the Independent. It's about low wages and shortcomings. Whatever our faults, but not one mentioned the fact that our country was forced, while more than 50 years to invest blockade, aggression and threats, excessive energy, time and resources into it, to the blows of the most powerful empire to withstand all the time.
Nevertheless, the sincerity and clarity admirable, with the Nina Lakhani this courageous article argues and The Independent he published an article in which it becomes clear what the suffering people of Haiti means a tragedy that in its first stage of the life of nearly 3,000 victims, called for children, adolescents and adults, many of them suffer from malnutrition and other diseases, and have sometimes not even on the wood to boil their drinking water.
The report from that sister nation coming news that, as of today, Wednesday the 29th, another 717 people by the Cuban medical mission treated. There were five Days in a row does not list any deceased. The mortality rate among the sick, Cuba has provided medical treatment - a total of 48 931 patients already - was reduced to 0.55%. The official number of people affected by the disease amounted to 130 534 citizens, and the number of the dead 2761, representing a mortality rate of 2.1%. Man fights to that in all the institutions to combat the epidemic more effective methods are used. The number of troops of the brigade "Henry Reeve" - Cubans, Latin Americans and Haitians who have completed the ELAM - is already 42, and they can in any, even the most remote community isolated part of Haiti penetrate. They have well over 61 units for the treatment of cholera.
The effort of our country the benefit of human health, which has now begun with the victory of the revolution, as showing published by The Independent article, one can perceive in the fact that next year to complete in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 8000 doctors graduated to be trained in collaboration with Cuban health experts in theory and practice. Venezuela will also reach levels of health that will bring the country to the first places in the world. As encouraging results are the main motivation of our efforts dar.
Fidel Castro Ruz
29. December 2010
8.07 Clock
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Direct Reward Platinum Discover
The fight against cholera
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The fight against cholera
I take a short break in the middle of many important analysis which employ me in these days to talk about two issues that our people should know.
The UN, instigated by the United States, responsible for the poverty and chaos in the Haitian Republic, had decided their occupation force, that is, the MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) to send, to the Haitian territory, which, Incidentally, the cholera epidemic has introduced in this country.
The Secretary-General the OAS for its part has decided in early 2009, Ricardo Seitenfus, a Brazilian intellectuals at that time and appoint employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of his country as his personal representative in Haiti.
Seitenfus was due to the serious and open manner with which he dealt with the problems, a well-earned reputation in the diplomatic and government circles of the capital of Haiti. In 1993, he had a book with the title written "the sovereignty of the Haitian dictators." In that year he visited Haiti for the first time
on two days before, 25 Published in December, the news agencies, the news that the Special Representative of the OAS suddenly had been deposed.
What has caused this drastic measure?
In an interview with the newspaper Le Temps in front of several days in Switzerland answered Seitenfus several issues of this newspaper and put his views honestly dar.
very briefly but literally I will explain the basis of the information, and the translation from the French, what happened was.
The first issue of Le Temps was:
"tens of thousands of UN peacekeepers in Haiti, in your opinion a counterproductive presence?"
reply from Ricardo Seitenfus:
"The Preventive System for disputes under the UN system fits not to the Haitian context. Haiti is not an international threat. We are not in a situation of civil war. [...] The Security Council [...] in 2004 after the forced departure of President Aristide, the blue helmets. [...] For the UN it was to freeze the power and to make the Haitians to prisoners in their own islands. "
Second question.
"What prevented the normalization of the Haitian situation?
Ricardo Seitenfus: Two hundred years have alternated the presence of foreign troops and the violence of dictators, not the dialogue to define the international relations with Haiti, the original sin.. of Haiti on the world stage is his liberation. The Haitians celebrated something Unacceptable in 1804: a treason for an impatient world. The West was at that time a colonial, slavery and racial favorable world whose wealth is founded on the exploitation of the conquered countries. Why did the Haitian revolutionary model of the major powers fear. The United States recognized the independence of Haiti until the year 1865, and France demanded the payment of a ransom to accept such relief. From the beginning, the independence of risk and hinders the development of the country. [...] Nothing is solved, everything is worse. You want to transform Haiti into a capitalist country, in an export platform for the U.S. market. This is absurd. [...] In this society there are elements that have to prevent the excessive violence is spreading. "
third question" Is it not an assignment to see in Haiti, a non-assimilable nation whose only future return to traditional values "
Ricardo Seitenfus: A part of Haiti's modern, urban, and focused on foreign countries, the number of expatriate Haitians are estimated at four million, it is the world open country [...] About... 90% of the education system and of health care are in private hands. The country has no public funding, a formal system at a minimal level to put in gear. [...] The problem lies in the socio-economic field. If the unemployment rate is 80%, it is unacceptable to develop a stabilization mission. There is nothing to stabilize ... "
Fourth Question
" Haiti is one of the countries with the most help from the world, yet the situation is deteriorating for twenty-five years. Why? "
Ricardo Seitenfus: The relief is effective, but if it is structurally, if they replaced the State in all its tasks, it is to a lack of collective responsibility. [...] The earthquake of 12 January and later the cholera epidemic have done nothing more than to aggravate this phenomenon. The international community has the feeling that every day must be made again, which ended the night before. [...] I had hoped that the world from the face of adversity 12th January would understand that she has been wrong with Haiti. move to [...] Instead of a balance sheet, more soldiers have been sent. It must build roads, dams are built, it must be helped to organize the state, the justice system. The UN says it has no mandate for it. . Its mandate in Haiti is to maintain the cemetery Peace
Fifth question
"The role that NGOs play in this failure"
Ricardo Seitenfus: From the earthquake, Haiti has turned into an inevitable crossroads for transnational. NGOs, Haiti has become a compulsory passage place I would even say something even worse... a vocational training center [...] There is a malicious or nefarious relationship between the power of NGOs and the weakness of the Haitian government, some NGOs have their existence to the Haitian disaster owe. "
Sixth Question
" What Mistakes have been committed after the earthquake, "
Ricardo Seitenfus:.. Due to the massive imports of consumer goods to feed the homeless, the situation of Haitian agriculture worsened the country offers an open field for all humanitarian experience, it is the moral point of view unacceptable, Haiti to be regarded as a laboratory. The reconstruction of Haiti and the promise of our emphasis of the 11 billion U.S. dollars awaken the Habzucht. [...] The Cuban-trained Haitian doctors, [...] about half [...], the should be in Haiti [...] are currently working in the United States, Canada or Franck kingdom. "
Seventh question
"Haiti is continually described as the edge of the world. Seeing the country as a concentrate our contemporary world ...?
Ricardo Seitenfus: It is the concentrate of our tragedies and the failures of international solidarity. We are not up to the challenge. The international press is coming to Haiti and describes the chaos. [...] For them, Haiti is one of the worst countries in the world. It is necessary to penetrate into the Haitian culture to put themselves in the home country. [...] No one takes the time and has no desire to understand what I would call the Haitian soul. "
Eighth question
"In addition to the admission of failure, what solutions do you suggest?
Ricardo Seitenfus: In two months I have completed a two-year mission in Haiti. To stay here and I am not from what I see, to feel depressed, I had to make me a series of psychological defense mechanisms. Despite the weight of the organization I represent, I wanted to remain an independent voice. [...] On 12 Jaguar, I learned that an extraordinary solidarity potential in the world. And it is necessary to remember that in the first days of the Haitians themselves were trying with empty hands, to save their neighbors. [...] We should remember the same time, Haiti to provide export opportunities and to protect these agricultural production, which is operated by families, because it is essential for the country. Haiti, with 1,700 kilometers of pristine coastline, the last undiscovered tourist paradise of the Caribbean [...] 200 years ago, Haiti has illuminated the history of humanity and human rights. It is now necessary to give the Haitians a chance to confirm their vision. "
One can agree with the various statements of the Brazilian Ricardo Seitenfus or not, but it is undeniable that he in his answers succinct truths expressed.
I think it is appropriate to add the following and explain:
Our country has sent not only hundreds of doctors in the neighboring sister country Haiti, but also thousands of them in other countries in the developing world, particularly in emergency situations of natural disasters, and has in the training of tens of thousands of doctors both in our country and abroad contributed.
The medical cooperation with Haiti on 12 years ago, 4 December 1998, commenced.
In the late 90's the tyranny of Duvalier and the Tonton Macoutes - which has been imposed for decades by the U.S. ceased to exist and a popularly elected government of Haiti took the lead, Cuba sent 100 doctors to provide services in this country. The first contingent of young Haitian entrants traveled in 1999 for pursuing studies in Cuba.
2001 we began a collaboration with the of President Jean Bertrand Aristide set up medical university, to which we send teachers who worked as doctors in the service of the Haitian people. When the Yankees unleashed a coup and the medical school has been transformed by the rebels in military barracks, about 270 students this school came with the lecturers to Cuba and continued her studies in our country. The Cuban Medical Mission
provided nevertheless continue its humanitarian services in Haiti, which had nothing to do with internal political problems of the country that was occupied by the rebels soldiers, the Yankee troops and the forces of MINUSTAH.
In August 2005 came the first 128 Haitian medical students of the 6th Academic year to teaching practice in their country and joined back to the Cuban doctors who rendered their services in Haiti.
Since the second half of 2006 until the second half of 2010, 625 young Haitian doctors have completed their studies, of which we have the highest opinion. Of them work 213 in the medical institutions of the Government of Haiti, 125 medical centers in the cholera control or in the brigades that visit in the smaller communities the sick, together with Cuban doctors and Latin American graduates of ELAM (Latin American School of Medicine), which combat the cholera epidemic, 72 are active in medical organizations of NGOs and in private practice, 20, in the so-called "mixed centers, 41 studying a second professional specialty in Cuba, where 27 other young graduates are already in Haiti and wait for their employment, is of other four which, 14 are due to personal circumstances such as pregnancy and motherhood is no employment relationship whereabouts unknown, and one of them died.
After working 104 in other countries, mainly in Spain, the United States, Canada and France, one in Switzerland and four in Latin American countries. It would be wrong to judge on one of them, because their country is extremely poor. There was a lack of resources and jobs and there is absolutely no evidence that any of them would have refused to serve his country. It is very popular medical values that have emerged in Haiti and Cuba.
The official number of deaths from cholera is 2707, which is a rate of 2.1%.
During three consecutive days is not one of the Cuban Medical Mission of the treated patients died of cholera. The mortality rate is among the 47 537 of them treated patients already dropped to 0.57. The epidemic can be eliminated, and thus be avoided, that it is endemic.
In tomorrow's panel discussion at six clock we will hear fresh and interesting news about the fight against cholera in Haiti and parts of major reports and authority in this matter.
I will on Tuesday the 28th, proceed to the second point.
Fidel Castro Ruz
27th December 2010 17:12
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The fight against cholera
I take a short break in the middle of many important analysis which employ me in these days to talk about two issues that our people should know.
The UN, instigated by the United States, responsible for the poverty and chaos in the Haitian Republic, had decided their occupation force, that is, the MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) to send, to the Haitian territory, which, Incidentally, the cholera epidemic has introduced in this country.
The Secretary-General the OAS for its part has decided in early 2009, Ricardo Seitenfus, a Brazilian intellectuals at that time and appoint employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of his country as his personal representative in Haiti.
Seitenfus was due to the serious and open manner with which he dealt with the problems, a well-earned reputation in the diplomatic and government circles of the capital of Haiti. In 1993, he had a book with the title written "the sovereignty of the Haitian dictators." In that year he visited Haiti for the first time
on two days before, 25 Published in December, the news agencies, the news that the Special Representative of the OAS suddenly had been deposed.
What has caused this drastic measure?
In an interview with the newspaper Le Temps in front of several days in Switzerland answered Seitenfus several issues of this newspaper and put his views honestly dar.
very briefly but literally I will explain the basis of the information, and the translation from the French, what happened was.
The first issue of Le Temps was:
"tens of thousands of UN peacekeepers in Haiti, in your opinion a counterproductive presence?"
reply from Ricardo Seitenfus:
"The Preventive System for disputes under the UN system fits not to the Haitian context. Haiti is not an international threat. We are not in a situation of civil war. [...] The Security Council [...] in 2004 after the forced departure of President Aristide, the blue helmets. [...] For the UN it was to freeze the power and to make the Haitians to prisoners in their own islands. "
Second question.
"What prevented the normalization of the Haitian situation?
Ricardo Seitenfus: Two hundred years have alternated the presence of foreign troops and the violence of dictators, not the dialogue to define the international relations with Haiti, the original sin.. of Haiti on the world stage is his liberation. The Haitians celebrated something Unacceptable in 1804: a treason for an impatient world. The West was at that time a colonial, slavery and racial favorable world whose wealth is founded on the exploitation of the conquered countries. Why did the Haitian revolutionary model of the major powers fear. The United States recognized the independence of Haiti until the year 1865, and France demanded the payment of a ransom to accept such relief. From the beginning, the independence of risk and hinders the development of the country. [...] Nothing is solved, everything is worse. You want to transform Haiti into a capitalist country, in an export platform for the U.S. market. This is absurd. [...] In this society there are elements that have to prevent the excessive violence is spreading. "
third question" Is it not an assignment to see in Haiti, a non-assimilable nation whose only future return to traditional values "
Ricardo Seitenfus: A part of Haiti's modern, urban, and focused on foreign countries, the number of expatriate Haitians are estimated at four million, it is the world open country [...] About... 90% of the education system and of health care are in private hands. The country has no public funding, a formal system at a minimal level to put in gear. [...] The problem lies in the socio-economic field. If the unemployment rate is 80%, it is unacceptable to develop a stabilization mission. There is nothing to stabilize ... "
Fourth Question
" Haiti is one of the countries with the most help from the world, yet the situation is deteriorating for twenty-five years. Why? "
Ricardo Seitenfus: The relief is effective, but if it is structurally, if they replaced the State in all its tasks, it is to a lack of collective responsibility. [...] The earthquake of 12 January and later the cholera epidemic have done nothing more than to aggravate this phenomenon. The international community has the feeling that every day must be made again, which ended the night before. [...] I had hoped that the world from the face of adversity 12th January would understand that she has been wrong with Haiti. move to [...] Instead of a balance sheet, more soldiers have been sent. It must build roads, dams are built, it must be helped to organize the state, the justice system. The UN says it has no mandate for it. . Its mandate in Haiti is to maintain the cemetery Peace
Fifth question
"The role that NGOs play in this failure"
Ricardo Seitenfus: From the earthquake, Haiti has turned into an inevitable crossroads for transnational. NGOs, Haiti has become a compulsory passage place I would even say something even worse... a vocational training center [...] There is a malicious or nefarious relationship between the power of NGOs and the weakness of the Haitian government, some NGOs have their existence to the Haitian disaster owe. "
Sixth Question
" What Mistakes have been committed after the earthquake, "
Ricardo Seitenfus:.. Due to the massive imports of consumer goods to feed the homeless, the situation of Haitian agriculture worsened the country offers an open field for all humanitarian experience, it is the moral point of view unacceptable, Haiti to be regarded as a laboratory. The reconstruction of Haiti and the promise of our emphasis of the 11 billion U.S. dollars awaken the Habzucht. [...] The Cuban-trained Haitian doctors, [...] about half [...], the should be in Haiti [...] are currently working in the United States, Canada or Franck kingdom. "
Seventh question
"Haiti is continually described as the edge of the world. Seeing the country as a concentrate our contemporary world ...?
Ricardo Seitenfus: It is the concentrate of our tragedies and the failures of international solidarity. We are not up to the challenge. The international press is coming to Haiti and describes the chaos. [...] For them, Haiti is one of the worst countries in the world. It is necessary to penetrate into the Haitian culture to put themselves in the home country. [...] No one takes the time and has no desire to understand what I would call the Haitian soul. "
Eighth question
"In addition to the admission of failure, what solutions do you suggest?
Ricardo Seitenfus: In two months I have completed a two-year mission in Haiti. To stay here and I am not from what I see, to feel depressed, I had to make me a series of psychological defense mechanisms. Despite the weight of the organization I represent, I wanted to remain an independent voice. [...] On 12 Jaguar, I learned that an extraordinary solidarity potential in the world. And it is necessary to remember that in the first days of the Haitians themselves were trying with empty hands, to save their neighbors. [...] We should remember the same time, Haiti to provide export opportunities and to protect these agricultural production, which is operated by families, because it is essential for the country. Haiti, with 1,700 kilometers of pristine coastline, the last undiscovered tourist paradise of the Caribbean [...] 200 years ago, Haiti has illuminated the history of humanity and human rights. It is now necessary to give the Haitians a chance to confirm their vision. "
One can agree with the various statements of the Brazilian Ricardo Seitenfus or not, but it is undeniable that he in his answers succinct truths expressed.
I think it is appropriate to add the following and explain:
Our country has sent not only hundreds of doctors in the neighboring sister country Haiti, but also thousands of them in other countries in the developing world, particularly in emergency situations of natural disasters, and has in the training of tens of thousands of doctors both in our country and abroad contributed.
The medical cooperation with Haiti on 12 years ago, 4 December 1998, commenced.
In the late 90's the tyranny of Duvalier and the Tonton Macoutes - which has been imposed for decades by the U.S. ceased to exist and a popularly elected government of Haiti took the lead, Cuba sent 100 doctors to provide services in this country. The first contingent of young Haitian entrants traveled in 1999 for pursuing studies in Cuba.
2001 we began a collaboration with the of President Jean Bertrand Aristide set up medical university, to which we send teachers who worked as doctors in the service of the Haitian people. When the Yankees unleashed a coup and the medical school has been transformed by the rebels in military barracks, about 270 students this school came with the lecturers to Cuba and continued her studies in our country. The Cuban Medical Mission
provided nevertheless continue its humanitarian services in Haiti, which had nothing to do with internal political problems of the country that was occupied by the rebels soldiers, the Yankee troops and the forces of MINUSTAH.
In August 2005 came the first 128 Haitian medical students of the 6th Academic year to teaching practice in their country and joined back to the Cuban doctors who rendered their services in Haiti.
Since the second half of 2006 until the second half of 2010, 625 young Haitian doctors have completed their studies, of which we have the highest opinion. Of them work 213 in the medical institutions of the Government of Haiti, 125 medical centers in the cholera control or in the brigades that visit in the smaller communities the sick, together with Cuban doctors and Latin American graduates of ELAM (Latin American School of Medicine), which combat the cholera epidemic, 72 are active in medical organizations of NGOs and in private practice, 20, in the so-called "mixed centers, 41 studying a second professional specialty in Cuba, where 27 other young graduates are already in Haiti and wait for their employment, is of other four which, 14 are due to personal circumstances such as pregnancy and motherhood is no employment relationship whereabouts unknown, and one of them died.
After working 104 in other countries, mainly in Spain, the United States, Canada and France, one in Switzerland and four in Latin American countries. It would be wrong to judge on one of them, because their country is extremely poor. There was a lack of resources and jobs and there is absolutely no evidence that any of them would have refused to serve his country. It is very popular medical values that have emerged in Haiti and Cuba.
The official number of deaths from cholera is 2707, which is a rate of 2.1%.
During three consecutive days is not one of the Cuban Medical Mission of the treated patients died of cholera. The mortality rate is among the 47 537 of them treated patients already dropped to 0.57. The epidemic can be eliminated, and thus be avoided, that it is endemic.
In tomorrow's panel discussion at six clock we will hear fresh and interesting news about the fight against cholera in Haiti and parts of major reports and authority in this matter.
I will on Tuesday the 28th, proceed to the second point.
Fidel Castro Ruz
27th December 2010 17:12
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Polaris Indy Trail Suspension
Clinton's lies
Reflections Of Comrade Fidel: Clinton's lies
I am really embarrassed to have to call him a liar. Today is he just a man who gives the impression of a good man and devoted to the historical heritage, as if the history of the Empire, or more importantly, the fate of mankind for more than a few decades would be guaranteed, without in Korea, Iran could break out or some other conflict-ridden place a nuclear war.
As is known, has appointed him to the United Nations for its "special envoy" for Haiti.
Clinton - who incidentally was under George HW Bush and George W. Bush in front of President of the United States - prevented from ridiculous jealousy that former President Carter to the migration talks took part with Cuba, sponsored the Helms-Burton Act and was an accomplice to the actions of the Cuban American Foundation (Cuban American Foundation) against our country.
There is ample evidence regarding that behavior, but not why we have taken too seriously, and were also less hostile to him because of his activities in the above mission, which had been entrusted to it for obvious reasons by the UN. We have been working
with that sister country together in various fields, particularly in the training of doctors and the provision of services to the population. Clinton gave us as disabled in any way. If he was happy to take a successful track record, we saw no Reasons for our cooperation in such a sensitive area such as Haiti to restrict. It came as a surprise for the earthquake that caused so much death and destruction, and later the epidemic.
Just two days ago, at a meeting in the Dominican capital for the reconstruction of Haiti itself complicates the matter. Approximately 80 people attended, including several ambassadors, representing the donors of more than $ 100 million, many members of the Clinton Foundation, the Government of the United States and the Government of Haiti.
taken only a few people the word, among them the Ambassador of Venezuela, for the country one of the most important Donor. He spoke briefly, with heartfelt and fitting words. Clinton used almost all the time for a meeting that began at 17:30 and 24:00 clock Clock night ended. There was, at the request of Haiti and Santo Domingo, the Ambassador of Cuba as "observers" invited. He was therefore not given the floor, but he was allowed to witness a meeting during which absolutely nothing was resolved. It was thought that there should be continued the next day, but nothing like that happened.
The meeting in the Dominican Republic was a red herring. The outrage of the Haitians was entirely justified. The country, which was destroyed about a year ago by an earthquake, was abandoned to his fate been.
Today, Thursday, 16 December, released the American news agency AP a message, reported the following:
"During a visit to Haiti by day and a half, in the midst of civil unrest, a rural inherent evil, and an arcane political crisis, said the former president Bill Clinton, that he have confidence in the efforts to rebuild Haiti.
The Special Representative of the UN went to Haiti a day later in the troubled country after the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti, whose board members he was forced to leave their meeting in the neighboring Dominican Republic to hold because of following the disputed presidential elections in Haiti 28th November there was violence everywhere.
Clinton visited a clinic for the treatment of cholera patients, which is headed by the movement of "Doctors without borders, where some 100,000 have been treated, who were affected by the epidemic erupted last October. He then visited the main UN base for the pacification of the country to meet there, Haitian and international officials.
At the meeting the previous day projects for about 430 million dollars were approved. But the most striking thing was the outrage because of the slow pace of reconstruction, and a letter that was sent by the disappointed Haitian members, affirm to be pushed to decisions on the margin, and the fact complained that contribute to approved projects, not to the reconstruction of Haiti or the long-term development. "
Notice what Clinton the message, according to later at a press conference, added:
., I share their disappointment ... '"
" ... hundreds of thousands of Haitians have next year a permanent home and many are no longer in tents and stay under the covers, since the earthquake the 12th January, more than a million people granted shelter.
But that was promised earlier. [...] From promised for 2010/2011 by using more than 5.7 billion dollars have been handed over only 897 million. "
The 897 million, is spoken of, but are nowhere to be seen.
is also to say it is an absolute disrespect for the truth that have been treated in one of "Doctors without borders" led clinic 100,000 people.
In a press release, Dr. Lea Guido, representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO-WHO) in Haiti, today informed that the number of people affected to 11 December is increased to 104 918, a figure without equal, which might have been impossible treated by a clinic of the Doctors without borders ".
It is obvious, and it is clear for Mr. Clinton, that Europe, the United States and Canada, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and other medical technicians pulled out of the Caribbean and do not have enough personnel other than honorable exceptions to this to complete a task.
Obviously Clinton has before with his lies, ignore the work of more than a thousand Cuban and Latin American doctors, nurses and technicians, the greatest responsibility in the fight for the elimination of the epidemic in the only possible way contribute by penetrate to the remotest corners of the country. Half of the 10 million population lives in rural areas.
It would not have been possible to have treated such a large number of people under such conditions without the support of outstanding Latin American, which represents the PAHO and WHO in Cuba and Haiti.
Our country is obliged to employ the staff necessary to fulfill this noble task.
How-oriented Dr. Lea Guido, "the staff sends Cuba is, in this very moment remote regions of this country. And that is very appropriate. "
Such personnel shall now return to Haiti and will soon be on site.
were yesterday treated 931 patients of the Cuban medical brigade. Only two died, representing a mortality rate of 0.2% for that day.
Fidel Castro Ruz
16th December 2010
21.14 clock
Reflections Of Comrade Fidel: Clinton's lies
I am really embarrassed to have to call him a liar. Today is he just a man who gives the impression of a good man and devoted to the historical heritage, as if the history of the Empire, or more importantly, the fate of mankind for more than a few decades would be guaranteed, without in Korea, Iran could break out or some other conflict-ridden place a nuclear war.
As is known, has appointed him to the United Nations for its "special envoy" for Haiti.
Clinton - who incidentally was under George HW Bush and George W. Bush in front of President of the United States - prevented from ridiculous jealousy that former President Carter to the migration talks took part with Cuba, sponsored the Helms-Burton Act and was an accomplice to the actions of the Cuban American Foundation (Cuban American Foundation) against our country.
There is ample evidence regarding that behavior, but not why we have taken too seriously, and were also less hostile to him because of his activities in the above mission, which had been entrusted to it for obvious reasons by the UN. We have been working
with that sister country together in various fields, particularly in the training of doctors and the provision of services to the population. Clinton gave us as disabled in any way. If he was happy to take a successful track record, we saw no Reasons for our cooperation in such a sensitive area such as Haiti to restrict. It came as a surprise for the earthquake that caused so much death and destruction, and later the epidemic.
Just two days ago, at a meeting in the Dominican capital for the reconstruction of Haiti itself complicates the matter. Approximately 80 people attended, including several ambassadors, representing the donors of more than $ 100 million, many members of the Clinton Foundation, the Government of the United States and the Government of Haiti.
taken only a few people the word, among them the Ambassador of Venezuela, for the country one of the most important Donor. He spoke briefly, with heartfelt and fitting words. Clinton used almost all the time for a meeting that began at 17:30 and 24:00 clock Clock night ended. There was, at the request of Haiti and Santo Domingo, the Ambassador of Cuba as "observers" invited. He was therefore not given the floor, but he was allowed to witness a meeting during which absolutely nothing was resolved. It was thought that there should be continued the next day, but nothing like that happened.
The meeting in the Dominican Republic was a red herring. The outrage of the Haitians was entirely justified. The country, which was destroyed about a year ago by an earthquake, was abandoned to his fate been.
Today, Thursday, 16 December, released the American news agency AP a message, reported the following:
"During a visit to Haiti by day and a half, in the midst of civil unrest, a rural inherent evil, and an arcane political crisis, said the former president Bill Clinton, that he have confidence in the efforts to rebuild Haiti.
The Special Representative of the UN went to Haiti a day later in the troubled country after the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti, whose board members he was forced to leave their meeting in the neighboring Dominican Republic to hold because of following the disputed presidential elections in Haiti 28th November there was violence everywhere.
Clinton visited a clinic for the treatment of cholera patients, which is headed by the movement of "Doctors without borders, where some 100,000 have been treated, who were affected by the epidemic erupted last October. He then visited the main UN base for the pacification of the country to meet there, Haitian and international officials.
At the meeting the previous day projects for about 430 million dollars were approved. But the most striking thing was the outrage because of the slow pace of reconstruction, and a letter that was sent by the disappointed Haitian members, affirm to be pushed to decisions on the margin, and the fact complained that contribute to approved projects, not to the reconstruction of Haiti or the long-term development. "
Notice what Clinton the message, according to later at a press conference, added:
., I share their disappointment ... '"
" ... hundreds of thousands of Haitians have next year a permanent home and many are no longer in tents and stay under the covers, since the earthquake the 12th January, more than a million people granted shelter.
But that was promised earlier. [...] From promised for 2010/2011 by using more than 5.7 billion dollars have been handed over only 897 million. "
The 897 million, is spoken of, but are nowhere to be seen.
is also to say it is an absolute disrespect for the truth that have been treated in one of "Doctors without borders" led clinic 100,000 people.
In a press release, Dr. Lea Guido, representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO-WHO) in Haiti, today informed that the number of people affected to 11 December is increased to 104 918, a figure without equal, which might have been impossible treated by a clinic of the Doctors without borders ".
It is obvious, and it is clear for Mr. Clinton, that Europe, the United States and Canada, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and other medical technicians pulled out of the Caribbean and do not have enough personnel other than honorable exceptions to this to complete a task.
Obviously Clinton has before with his lies, ignore the work of more than a thousand Cuban and Latin American doctors, nurses and technicians, the greatest responsibility in the fight for the elimination of the epidemic in the only possible way contribute by penetrate to the remotest corners of the country. Half of the 10 million population lives in rural areas.
It would not have been possible to have treated such a large number of people under such conditions without the support of outstanding Latin American, which represents the PAHO and WHO in Cuba and Haiti.
Our country is obliged to employ the staff necessary to fulfill this noble task.
How-oriented Dr. Lea Guido, "the staff sends Cuba is, in this very moment remote regions of this country. And that is very appropriate. "
Such personnel shall now return to Haiti and will soon be on site.
were yesterday treated 931 patients of the Cuban medical brigade. Only two died, representing a mortality rate of 0.2% for that day.
Fidel Castro Ruz
16th December 2010
21.14 clock
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Does Midrin Have Methadone
murder in the southern Palatinate
It is Monday, hang 29.11.2010, 8:47, dark black storm clouds in the sky above the Southern Wine Route. Once again it was one of those God damned days of November. Outside, it poured down with rain, Ben's Trench coat was soaking wet and his head felt as if he were caught between the towns and Leinsweiler Ranschbach between two bulldozers. After the "wine-loving, very enjoyable night on the Slevogt court was not to be thought of sleep ...
Since 01.01.2011 there is more information about our Südpfalz thriller "hunt". We are looking for you, the month author January 2011. ... Author months?
Yeah, you read that right: Month Author! They need only a small Exposé with us for a chapter apply in the crime. As selected / r Chapter Author get you brand new information on the case and the previous chapters and can write a complete chapter.
We look forward to their "kriminalisdische" journey of discovery!
The team of the Office of Tourism Landau-Land
It is Monday, hang 29.11.2010, 8:47, dark black storm clouds in the sky above the Southern Wine Route. Once again it was one of those God damned days of November. Outside, it poured down with rain, Ben's Trench coat was soaking wet and his head felt as if he were caught between the towns and Leinsweiler Ranschbach between two bulldozers. After the "wine-loving, very enjoyable night on the Slevogt court was not to be thought of sleep ...
Since 01.01.2011 there is more information about our Südpfalz thriller "hunt". We are looking for you, the month author January 2011. ... Author months?
Yeah, you read that right: Month Author! They need only a small Exposé with us for a chapter apply in the crime. As selected / r Chapter Author get you brand new information on the case and the previous chapters and can write a complete chapter.
We look forward to their "kriminalisdische" journey of discovery!
The team of the Office of Tourism Landau-Land
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Aluminum Boats Used For Sale Florida
The Empire in the dock
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The empire in the dock
Julian Assange, a man who knew a few months ago few people in the world, shows that the most powerful empire ever to existed in the world can withstand.
The bold Challenge came not from a rival superpower, a country with more than a hundred nuclear weapons, from a country with hundreds of millions of inhabitants, from a group of nations with enormous natural resources that not the United States could do without, or of a revolutionary doctrine that in would be able to shake the foundation of plundering and exploitation of the world empire based on thoroughly.
He was only one person from the press was hardly mentioned. Although by now famous, we still know little about him other than the widely published allegations about love relationships with two women without the necessary AIDS care in time. Yet no book was about his background, his education or his written philosophical and political ideas.
Even the motivation is not known which led him to bring this impressive blow against the Empire. We only know that it has forced the empire to its knees morally.
The AFP news agency announced today that the "creator of Wikileaks will remain in prison, although he was released on bail. [...] He has to stay as long behind bars pending a settlement of the Swedes on appeal because the country demands the extradition for his alleged sexual offenses. "
"... The lawyer that the Swedish state, represents [...] announced its intention to appeal against the release decision."
"... Judge Riddle set as a condition to pay a deposit of 380,000 U.S. dollars, the use of electronic bangle and compliance with a curfew established. "
informed the firm saying that he, in the case of a release" is to live in a private home by Vaughan Smith, his friend and chairman of the Frontline Club, a journalists' club in London, where Wikileaks for several weeks has set up his headquarters ... "
said Assange:" My Beliefs do not fluctuate. I consider myself loyal to the ideals expressed by me. When this process has achieved something, the fact of cemented my decision that it is true and correct '... "
The brave and brilliant U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore said he Wikileaks his website, its servers, its domain name and all he needs, provides for "..., Wikileaks alive and to keep in good success as long as it is to reveal all secretly contrived crimes committed in our name and with our tax dollars' ... "
Moore confirmed that Assange "under one, so relentless attack suffers '[...] because he was ashamed of those who have hidden the truth'."
"... regardless of whether Assange is guilty or innocent, [...] he has the right to pay the deposit and the right of defense '. [...] 'Why have I joined the filmmakers Ken Loach and writer John Pilger and Jemima Jan and offered money for bail. "
The contribution of Moore is 20,000 U.S. dollars.
retaliation from the U.S. government against Wikileaks was so hard that in the opinion polls by ABC News / Washington Post, two of three U.S. citizens want Assange is provided for the dissemination of those documents in the United States before the Court. But no one has dared to challenge the truths contained.
No details are known about by the strategists of Wikileaks elaborate plan. You just know that Assange has been a large amount of communications to five large media Trans National, which have now the news monopoly. Some of these transnationals are extremely mercenary, reactionary and pro-fascist as the PRISA from Spain and Der Spiegel from Germany, which are used to attack the most revolutionary country.
The world public is all follow very closely what happens to Wikileaks.
on the right-wing Swedish government and the war-mongering Mafia of NATO to invoke so much on press freedom and human rights, will fall the responsibility, if you will know the truth about the cynical politics of the United States and its allies or not .
ideas can be more powerful than nuclear weapons.
Fidel Castro Ruz
14th December 2010 21:34
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The empire in the dock
Julian Assange, a man who knew a few months ago few people in the world, shows that the most powerful empire ever to existed in the world can withstand.
The bold Challenge came not from a rival superpower, a country with more than a hundred nuclear weapons, from a country with hundreds of millions of inhabitants, from a group of nations with enormous natural resources that not the United States could do without, or of a revolutionary doctrine that in would be able to shake the foundation of plundering and exploitation of the world empire based on thoroughly.
He was only one person from the press was hardly mentioned. Although by now famous, we still know little about him other than the widely published allegations about love relationships with two women without the necessary AIDS care in time. Yet no book was about his background, his education or his written philosophical and political ideas.
Even the motivation is not known which led him to bring this impressive blow against the Empire. We only know that it has forced the empire to its knees morally.
The AFP news agency announced today that the "creator of Wikileaks will remain in prison, although he was released on bail. [...] He has to stay as long behind bars pending a settlement of the Swedes on appeal because the country demands the extradition for his alleged sexual offenses. "
"... The lawyer that the Swedish state, represents [...] announced its intention to appeal against the release decision."
"... Judge Riddle set as a condition to pay a deposit of 380,000 U.S. dollars, the use of electronic bangle and compliance with a curfew established. "
informed the firm saying that he, in the case of a release" is to live in a private home by Vaughan Smith, his friend and chairman of the Frontline Club, a journalists' club in London, where Wikileaks for several weeks has set up his headquarters ... "
said Assange:" My Beliefs do not fluctuate. I consider myself loyal to the ideals expressed by me. When this process has achieved something, the fact of cemented my decision that it is true and correct '... "
The brave and brilliant U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore said he Wikileaks his website, its servers, its domain name and all he needs, provides for "..., Wikileaks alive and to keep in good success as long as it is to reveal all secretly contrived crimes committed in our name and with our tax dollars' ... "
Moore confirmed that Assange "under one, so relentless attack suffers '[...] because he was ashamed of those who have hidden the truth'."
"... regardless of whether Assange is guilty or innocent, [...] he has the right to pay the deposit and the right of defense '. [...] 'Why have I joined the filmmakers Ken Loach and writer John Pilger and Jemima Jan and offered money for bail. "
The contribution of Moore is 20,000 U.S. dollars.
retaliation from the U.S. government against Wikileaks was so hard that in the opinion polls by ABC News / Washington Post, two of three U.S. citizens want Assange is provided for the dissemination of those documents in the United States before the Court. But no one has dared to challenge the truths contained.
No details are known about by the strategists of Wikileaks elaborate plan. You just know that Assange has been a large amount of communications to five large media Trans National, which have now the news monopoly. Some of these transnationals are extremely mercenary, reactionary and pro-fascist as the PRISA from Spain and Der Spiegel from Germany, which are used to attack the most revolutionary country.
The world public is all follow very closely what happens to Wikileaks.
on the right-wing Swedish government and the war-mongering Mafia of NATO to invoke so much on press freedom and human rights, will fall the responsibility, if you will know the truth about the cynical politics of the United States and its allies or not .
ideas can be more powerful than nuclear weapons.
Fidel Castro Ruz
14th December 2010 21:34
Monday, December 13, 2010
Gettyiimages Without Watermark
Fidel's message to participants of the 17th World Festival of Youth and Students in South Africa
I am happy and it gives me great honor to your Please comply with a message at the 17th to transmit World Festival of Youth and Students, held in the homeland of Nelson Mandela, a living symbol of the struggle against the hated apartheid system.
Cuba has hosted two festivals: the IX. in 1978 and the XIV in 1997.
was at that time it was the first time that the festival took place not in Europe, but in a country in the hemisphere.
The decision was on the IX. Assembly of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in Varna, Bulgaria, the end of 1974 made.
There were different times: the world has serious but less dramatic problems stood against. The advanced youth fought for the right of all people to a dignified life. That was the old dream of the greatest minds of humanity, as it was obvious that science, technology, labor productivity and the development of consciousness made this possible.
Over a short period of accelerated globalization, the communications sector has reached an unexpectedly high level, the means to promote education, health and culture have multiplied. Our dreams were not unfounded. In this spirit, found the IX. added World Festival of Youth and Students held, attended by all our people.
In the General Assembly the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the beginning of October 1995 in this very heroic South Africa took place, the decision was adopted on the implementation of the XIV Festival. This festival took part in more than 12,000 delegates from 132 countries. At that time there were already 37 years in which our country led the political and ideological struggle against the United States and its brutal economic blockade.
Until the 1980s it was not just the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, which have suffered from the genocide of cross-border wars and crimes of the Yankees, but also the European socialist camp and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a multinational country with an area of 22,402,200 km2, with enormous resources to agricultural soil, forests, oil, gas, minerals has, etc. The great imperialist power, the socialist superpower with over 800 bases around the world made contrary.
The dissolution of the USSR, which errors in one or another moment in history were also more committed was a serious blow to the progressive movement in the world.
The Yankees have quickly moved and expanded the military bases, and used the facilities built by the USSR to deal with its war machine close to encircle the Russian Federation, which is still a great power.
The military adventure in the United States and its NATO allies has grown in Europe and Asia. You have started the war in Kosovo and Serbia divided.
In our hemisphere, they have 1965, well before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, attacked the Dominican Republic, have bombed Nicaragua and are invaded by mercenary forces, with their regular troops they attacked Granada, Panama and Haiti, have bloody coups in Chile , Argentina and Uruguay promoted and supported the brutal suppression of Stroessner in Paraguay.
you have the "School of the Americas created when they are trained not only thousands of Latin American military officers for conspiracy and coups, but many of them familiar with hate doctrines and elaborate torture made while they are before the world as defenders" of human rights and democracy represented.
sees the first decade of this century, as if the imperialist great power out of control.
The bloody events of 11 September 2001, when the Twin Towers were destroyed - a dramatic event, with about three thousand people lost their lives - and the subsequent Attack on the Pentagon came the unscrupulous adventurers George W. Bush summoned as to call out the so-called war on terror, which simply means a dangerous increase in the brutal politics that run the United States on our planet.
And more than demonstrated the shameful support of the NATO countries in this vicious war. This military organization has just announced its intention to intervene in any country of the world in which their interests, provides that threatens the interests of the United States.
The monopoly of the mass media in the hands of large transnational capitalist enterprises was used by imperialism, to spread lies to create conditioned reflexes to develop and selfish instincts.
While the youth and students to South Africa, traveled to fight for a world in peace, dignity and justice, have students and their professors in the UK delivered a heated battle with the strong, well-equipped repression Corps on their spirited horses. Rarely or perhaps never before in history we have seen a similar scene of capitalist "democracy." The ruling neo-liberal parties have played their role as the gendarme of the oligarchy, broken their election promise and approved in Parliament, measures the cost of a University studies have increased to 14,000 dollars a year. The worst was the audacity with which said the vote that "would solve the market problem." Only the rich have the right to an academic title.
A few days ago, said the current Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, when he commented on the documents published by Wikileaks secrets: "The fact that governments operate with the United States because it is in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us, and not because they believe that we are able to keep secrets. Some governments operate with us because they are afraid of us, others because they respect us, the majority because they need us. We are still important, as was said earlier, "the indispensable nation."
Many intelligent and well-informed people believe that the Yankee empire, like all previous empires also occurred in the last stage, and that the signs are it irrefutable.
A on the website TomDispatch article published on the website Rebelión translated from English, outlines four hypotheses of the likely course of events in the United States. In all hypotheses, a World War II as one of the options , although it does not exclude that there might be another solution. It is added, that that country's leading role in global exports of goods and in less than 15 years, its leading role in technological innovation, like the dollar will lose its privileged role as guide and reserve currency. It adds that China is this year with 12% before the United States and reaches 11% in global exports of goods. It was played and the presentation of the supercomputer Tianhe-1A by the Defence Minister of China in October this year, a computer that is so powerful that he, according to a U.S. expert in the United States have existing "computer eliminated No. 1" is achieved.
When our fellow citizens of South Africa, it was one of her first activities to pay homage to the internationalist fighters the honor in the battle for Africa gave their lives.
care for twelve years, our Doctors in neighboring Haiti, the Haitian people today, in cooperation with internationalist doctors who have studied in the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM). There they fight also for Africa, where they fight against the cholera epidemic, the disease of the poor to to prevent it from spreading to those that continent, where there is much poverty in Latin America. With the experience gained by our doctors have reduced the mortality rate greatly. The Herald newspaper in Harare in August 2008 was claimed to be triggered very close to South Africa, Zimbabwe, the epidemic "in an explosive manner." Robert Mugabe has accused the governments of the United States and Great Britain to have introduced the disease.
As proof of total lack of scruples of the Yankee government, it is necessary to remember that the U.S. government to the apartheid regime has been nuclear weapons, had used the racists almost against the Cuban and Angolan troops after the victory of Cuito Cuanavale in the south marched in the Cuban staff feared that risk and took the necessary tactical measures that enabled him to complete air dominance. If they had tried to use these weapons, they would not win them went out. But it is legitimate to ask: What would have happened if the South African racists nuclear weapons against the Cuban and Angolan troops had used? How will the international reaction would have been? How would justify this barbaric act? Like the USSR would have reacted? These are questions we should ask ourselves.
When the racists, the government of Nelson Mandela handed over, they have also said nothing, not even what they have done with these weapons. The investigation and prosecution of these events today would be a great service to the world. I urge you to, dear fellow citizens, to raise this issue at the World Festival of Youth and Students.
Homeland or death!
Fidel Castro Ruz
13th December 2010
I am happy and it gives me great honor to your Please comply with a message at the 17th to transmit World Festival of Youth and Students, held in the homeland of Nelson Mandela, a living symbol of the struggle against the hated apartheid system.
Cuba has hosted two festivals: the IX. in 1978 and the XIV in 1997.
was at that time it was the first time that the festival took place not in Europe, but in a country in the hemisphere.
The decision was on the IX. Assembly of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in Varna, Bulgaria, the end of 1974 made.
There were different times: the world has serious but less dramatic problems stood against. The advanced youth fought for the right of all people to a dignified life. That was the old dream of the greatest minds of humanity, as it was obvious that science, technology, labor productivity and the development of consciousness made this possible.
Over a short period of accelerated globalization, the communications sector has reached an unexpectedly high level, the means to promote education, health and culture have multiplied. Our dreams were not unfounded. In this spirit, found the IX. added World Festival of Youth and Students held, attended by all our people.
In the General Assembly the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the beginning of October 1995 in this very heroic South Africa took place, the decision was adopted on the implementation of the XIV Festival. This festival took part in more than 12,000 delegates from 132 countries. At that time there were already 37 years in which our country led the political and ideological struggle against the United States and its brutal economic blockade.
Until the 1980s it was not just the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, which have suffered from the genocide of cross-border wars and crimes of the Yankees, but also the European socialist camp and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a multinational country with an area of 22,402,200 km2, with enormous resources to agricultural soil, forests, oil, gas, minerals has, etc. The great imperialist power, the socialist superpower with over 800 bases around the world made contrary.
The dissolution of the USSR, which errors in one or another moment in history were also more committed was a serious blow to the progressive movement in the world.
The Yankees have quickly moved and expanded the military bases, and used the facilities built by the USSR to deal with its war machine close to encircle the Russian Federation, which is still a great power.
The military adventure in the United States and its NATO allies has grown in Europe and Asia. You have started the war in Kosovo and Serbia divided.
In our hemisphere, they have 1965, well before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, attacked the Dominican Republic, have bombed Nicaragua and are invaded by mercenary forces, with their regular troops they attacked Granada, Panama and Haiti, have bloody coups in Chile , Argentina and Uruguay promoted and supported the brutal suppression of Stroessner in Paraguay.
you have the "School of the Americas created when they are trained not only thousands of Latin American military officers for conspiracy and coups, but many of them familiar with hate doctrines and elaborate torture made while they are before the world as defenders" of human rights and democracy represented.
sees the first decade of this century, as if the imperialist great power out of control.
The bloody events of 11 September 2001, when the Twin Towers were destroyed - a dramatic event, with about three thousand people lost their lives - and the subsequent Attack on the Pentagon came the unscrupulous adventurers George W. Bush summoned as to call out the so-called war on terror, which simply means a dangerous increase in the brutal politics that run the United States on our planet.
And more than demonstrated the shameful support of the NATO countries in this vicious war. This military organization has just announced its intention to intervene in any country of the world in which their interests, provides that threatens the interests of the United States.
The monopoly of the mass media in the hands of large transnational capitalist enterprises was used by imperialism, to spread lies to create conditioned reflexes to develop and selfish instincts.
While the youth and students to South Africa, traveled to fight for a world in peace, dignity and justice, have students and their professors in the UK delivered a heated battle with the strong, well-equipped repression Corps on their spirited horses. Rarely or perhaps never before in history we have seen a similar scene of capitalist "democracy." The ruling neo-liberal parties have played their role as the gendarme of the oligarchy, broken their election promise and approved in Parliament, measures the cost of a University studies have increased to 14,000 dollars a year. The worst was the audacity with which said the vote that "would solve the market problem." Only the rich have the right to an academic title.
A few days ago, said the current Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, when he commented on the documents published by Wikileaks secrets: "The fact that governments operate with the United States because it is in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us, and not because they believe that we are able to keep secrets. Some governments operate with us because they are afraid of us, others because they respect us, the majority because they need us. We are still important, as was said earlier, "the indispensable nation."
Many intelligent and well-informed people believe that the Yankee empire, like all previous empires also occurred in the last stage, and that the signs are it irrefutable.
A on the website TomDispatch article published on the website Rebelión translated from English, outlines four hypotheses of the likely course of events in the United States. In all hypotheses, a World War II as one of the options , although it does not exclude that there might be another solution. It is added, that that country's leading role in global exports of goods and in less than 15 years, its leading role in technological innovation, like the dollar will lose its privileged role as guide and reserve currency. It adds that China is this year with 12% before the United States and reaches 11% in global exports of goods. It was played and the presentation of the supercomputer Tianhe-1A by the Defence Minister of China in October this year, a computer that is so powerful that he, according to a U.S. expert in the United States have existing "computer eliminated No. 1" is achieved.
When our fellow citizens of South Africa, it was one of her first activities to pay homage to the internationalist fighters the honor in the battle for Africa gave their lives.
care for twelve years, our Doctors in neighboring Haiti, the Haitian people today, in cooperation with internationalist doctors who have studied in the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM). There they fight also for Africa, where they fight against the cholera epidemic, the disease of the poor to to prevent it from spreading to those that continent, where there is much poverty in Latin America. With the experience gained by our doctors have reduced the mortality rate greatly. The Herald newspaper in Harare in August 2008 was claimed to be triggered very close to South Africa, Zimbabwe, the epidemic "in an explosive manner." Robert Mugabe has accused the governments of the United States and Great Britain to have introduced the disease.
As proof of total lack of scruples of the Yankee government, it is necessary to remember that the U.S. government to the apartheid regime has been nuclear weapons, had used the racists almost against the Cuban and Angolan troops after the victory of Cuito Cuanavale in the south marched in the Cuban staff feared that risk and took the necessary tactical measures that enabled him to complete air dominance. If they had tried to use these weapons, they would not win them went out. But it is legitimate to ask: What would have happened if the South African racists nuclear weapons against the Cuban and Angolan troops had used? How will the international reaction would have been? How would justify this barbaric act? Like the USSR would have reacted? These are questions we should ask ourselves.
When the racists, the government of Nelson Mandela handed over, they have also said nothing, not even what they have done with these weapons. The investigation and prosecution of these events today would be a great service to the world. I urge you to, dear fellow citizens, to raise this issue at the World Festival of Youth and Students.
Homeland or death!
Fidel Castro Ruz
13th December 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
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Blog reports about famous female pilots
Munich (flying in) Wiesbaden - The keyword famous aviation pioneers come to mind immediately the names of Otto Lilienthal and Charles Lindbergh. But it was not just men - partly driven by curiosity and love of adventure - written aviation history. Besides they have done many amazing shows women as "queen of the skies".
The author Ernst Probst
They were brave men and women who ventured on a hitherto unknown terrain and with their performance contributed to that Mankind was able to meet the dream of flying through to conquer the universe. adhered to their deeds Milestones - In public perception, however, are mainly men and pioneers, who - like Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong. The performance of many daring women in the field of aerospace, however perceived only in passing.
That this heaven strikers will not be forgotten is also the merit of the Wiesbaden journalists Ernst Probst. In a number of paperback books, the author traces the lives of many heroes of the skies in words and pictures. The blog gives him and all those brave women a platform.
For interested readers will be hereinafter referred to several works written by Ernst Probst about this topic:
queens of the skies from A to Z
The extensive work over to some 700 pages more than 200 aircraft interior, balloon racers, balloon inside before parachute jumpers, while women and Kossmonautinnen and discuss, in detail not only facts and stations from the life of the sky strikers, but spiced the book - much to the amusement of his readers - with strange incidents and anecdotes.
queens of the skies in Germany
The paperback is the focus on German Eroberinnen of heaven. Thus, in the Famous work of pioneers such as air Elly Beinhorn, Katherine Paul, Thea Rasche, Hanna Reitsch, Chris-Marie Schultes, Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg and Beate Uhse, Köstlin born in a very readable manner presented.
queens of the skies in France
The paperback portrays many French sky enthusiasts. So among other things
Maryse Bastié that broke as a flier eight world records, and Elise Garnerin that as "Venus in the balloon caused a stir. In addition, the book provides a comprehensive section of interesting facts and figures about the" Queen of the Skies "from around the world.
queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand
can participate in this book the author the reader of spectacular successes and tragic accidents courageous women pilots from overseas and the UK. Including in the portrait of the New Zealander Jean Batten, in the 1930s is not considered possible establishes distance and duration records in solo flight.
queens of the skies in Europe
At 450 pages, readers are entertaining the biographies of famous European women pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers and astronauts. So among other things over the Frenchwoman Jacqueline Auriol, the first European woman to Sound barrier broke and formerly as the "fastest woman in the world" was.
queens of the skies in America
Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, it is possible the author, history, fun, exciting and always give more worthwhile and the personalities of the featured aircraft interior, such as Frances Wilson Grayson and their tragic flight across the Atlantic, or Pancho Barnes, America's first stunt pilot, to recreate with no patina in the mind's eye of the reader.
Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria
The account of their origin from a forester's family, "Forster Christl" said Christl-Marie Schultes Bavaria was the first aircraft. Touching features Ernst Probst for the life Schultes, who died in poverty in 71jährig Munich. Regretfully, the author notes: ". Your life would provide ample material for novels or films so far is not even a road or a way to honor the first Bavarian aviator has been named."
women in space
In Paperback "Women in Space" Ernst Probst sketched the biographies of famous astronauts and cosmonaut inside. The 2010 published work describes the lives of Valentina Tereshkova, Sally Kristen Ride, and Kalpana Chawla, to name a few. It illuminates the paperback not only the brilliant successes, but also reports of tragic events like the crash of the space shuttle Columbia on re-entry into Earth's atmosphere 16th January 2003.
Munich (flying in) Wiesbaden - The keyword famous aviation pioneers come to mind immediately the names of Otto Lilienthal and Charles Lindbergh. But it was not just men - partly driven by curiosity and love of adventure - written aviation history. Besides they have done many amazing shows women as "queen of the skies".
The author Ernst Probst
They were brave men and women who ventured on a hitherto unknown terrain and with their performance contributed to that Mankind was able to meet the dream of flying through to conquer the universe. adhered to their deeds Milestones - In public perception, however, are mainly men and pioneers, who - like Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong. The performance of many daring women in the field of aerospace, however perceived only in passing.
That this heaven strikers will not be forgotten is also the merit of the Wiesbaden journalists Ernst Probst. In a number of paperback books, the author traces the lives of many heroes of the skies in words and pictures. The blog gives him and all those brave women a platform.
For interested readers will be hereinafter referred to several works written by Ernst Probst about this topic:
queens of the skies from A to Z
The extensive work over to some 700 pages more than 200 aircraft interior, balloon racers, balloon inside before parachute jumpers, while women and Kossmonautinnen and discuss, in detail not only facts and stations from the life of the sky strikers, but spiced the book - much to the amusement of his readers - with strange incidents and anecdotes.
queens of the skies in Germany
The paperback is the focus on German Eroberinnen of heaven. Thus, in the Famous work of pioneers such as air Elly Beinhorn, Katherine Paul, Thea Rasche, Hanna Reitsch, Chris-Marie Schultes, Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg and Beate Uhse, Köstlin born in a very readable manner presented.
queens of the skies in France
The paperback portrays many French sky enthusiasts. So among other things
Maryse Bastié that broke as a flier eight world records, and Elise Garnerin that as "Venus in the balloon caused a stir. In addition, the book provides a comprehensive section of interesting facts and figures about the" Queen of the Skies "from around the world.
queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand
can participate in this book the author the reader of spectacular successes and tragic accidents courageous women pilots from overseas and the UK. Including in the portrait of the New Zealander Jean Batten, in the 1930s is not considered possible establishes distance and duration records in solo flight.
queens of the skies in Europe
At 450 pages, readers are entertaining the biographies of famous European women pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers and astronauts. So among other things over the Frenchwoman Jacqueline Auriol, the first European woman to Sound barrier broke and formerly as the "fastest woman in the world" was.
queens of the skies in America
Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, it is possible the author, history, fun, exciting and always give more worthwhile and the personalities of the featured aircraft interior, such as Frances Wilson Grayson and their tragic flight across the Atlantic, or Pancho Barnes, America's first stunt pilot, to recreate with no patina in the mind's eye of the reader.
Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria
The account of their origin from a forester's family, "Forster Christl" said Christl-Marie Schultes Bavaria was the first aircraft. Touching features Ernst Probst for the life Schultes, who died in poverty in 71jährig Munich. Regretfully, the author notes: ". Your life would provide ample material for novels or films so far is not even a road or a way to honor the first Bavarian aviator has been named."
women in space
In Paperback "Women in Space" Ernst Probst sketched the biographies of famous astronauts and cosmonaut inside. The 2010 published work describes the lives of Valentina Tereshkova, Sally Kristen Ride, and Kalpana Chawla, to name a few. It illuminates the paperback not only the brilliant successes, but also reports of tragic events like the crash of the space shuttle Columbia on re-entry into Earth's atmosphere 16th January 2003.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Catch Phrase Sound Off
The MINUSTAH and the epidemic
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The MINUSTAH and the epidemic
were about three weeks ago released news and pictures of how Haitian citizens threw stones at the armed forces of MINUSTAH and indignantly protested against this, where they accused them of having brought about a Nepalese soldiers cholera into the country.
The first impression for those who have no additional information was, that it is a trade from the dislike of any occupying power that emerged rumor.
How could that be proved? Very few of us knew the symptoms of cholera and its mode of transmission. After a few days listening to the protests in Haiti and it was not spoken about this matter.
The epidemic took its inexorable course, and other problems, such as those derived from the electoral risks we took time to complete.
met today the reliable and credible news stories of one, had really happened. The Haitian people had reasons galore to bring his indignant protest.
The news agency AFP reported verbatim: 'The renowned French epidemiologist Renaud Piarroux launched last month, a study in Haiti and came to the conclusion that the epidemic has been caused by an imported strain of bacteria, and by the Nepalese base "of the MINUSTAH "Starting spread".
Another European agency EFE said, with her hand: "The origin of the disease is in the small Location Mirebalais in the central part of the country have where the Nepalese soldiers set up their camp, and they arrived a few days after their arrival, proving the origin of the epidemic ... "
" had far, the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) denied that the epidemic had been found by their blue helmets entrance into the country. "
" ... the French doctor Renaud Piarroux which is regarded as one of the most important experts in the world in the investigation of the cholera epidemic, no doubt of the origin of disease ... "
" The investigation was Paris, where, at the request of the Haitian authorities in order, said a French diplomatic spokesman. "
" ... the occurrence of the disease coincides with the arrival of the Nepalese soldiers, who also come from a country where there is a cholera epidemic.
Anders is the so sudden and severe outbreak of cholera in a small town of a few dozen people not to explain.
The report also analyzes the way the spread of evil, as the faeces of the Nepalese camps were discharged directly into the river, which refer to the inhabitants of the village get their water. "
In what did the UN, surprised at the Most of the following, as that agency announced: They move ... " an investigation mission in the Nepalese camps, whose conclusion was that this could not be the source of the epidemic. "
Haiti may waive the midst of the destruction by the earthquake, the epidemic and its poverty is not now an international force, the organization of a ensured by foreign intervention and exploitation by the transnational companies ruined country. The UN has to not only meet the basic obligation to fight for the reconstruction and development of Haiti, but also a matter of mobilizing the necessary resources to eliminate an epidemic that threatens to escalate to the neighboring Dominican Republic, on the Caribbean, Latin America and other similar countries of Asia and Africa.
Why has the UN stiffened to deny that the people of Haiti, MINUSTAH has brought the epidemic? We do not blame Nepal that has been in the past British colony, whose men were used in the colonial wars and seek employment as soldiers today.
We have at the moment in Haiti demand for its services payable Cuban doctors and they have confirmed with remarkable accuracy by the above European agencies sent messages.
I quote here a tight summary of what we Yamila Zayas Nápoles announced, specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine and Anesthesiology, director of a medical facility with 8 basic disciplines and the diagnosis by the project, Cuba-Venezuela, which was inaugurated in October 2009 in the municipality of 86,000 inhabitants comprehensive Mirebalais in the North Department.
On Saturday, the 15th October have been admitted three patients with symptoms of diarrhea and severe dehydration, and on Sunday the 16th another 4 with similar symptoms, but from the same family, so the decision was made to isolate them and tell what happened to the mission. On Monday the 17th suddenly were 28 patients admitted with similar symptoms.
The Medical Mission sent with urgency, a group of experts in epidemiology, took samples of blood and fecal samples and collected samples of vomit and the details which were sent with urgency in the national laboratories of Haiti.
On 22 October was informed then that the isolated bacterial strain corresponded to the prevailing disease in Asia and Oceania, which is the most serious. The unity of the Nepalese UN peacekeepers is stationed on the banks of the river Artibonite, which meanders through the small village Meye, where the epidemic began, and Mirebalais, where they then spread quickly.
Despite such unexpected ways died of the outbreak of cholera in the small but excellent Hospital in the service of Haiti from the first, beginning in isolated parts of the same patients treated 2822 only 13 people, representing a mortality rate of 0.5%. Later, it was established as a separate site located the cholera treatment center in 3459 patients 5 very serious cases are passed, ie 0.1%.
The total number of cholera patients in Haiti was today, Tuesday, 7 December, 93 222 people, and the code for the deceased patients reached 2120. In the Cuban Mission to the patients, the rate was 0.83%. The mortality rate in other hospitals is 3.2%. With the acquired experience, adequate measures and Amplification by the brigade "Henry Reeve", the Cuban medical mission set out to get the support of the Haitian authorities in any of the isolated 207 lying districts, so that none of the Haitian people missing in the face of the epidemic of medical care, and many lives are saved can.
Fidel Castro Ruz
7th December 2010 18:34
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The MINUSTAH and the epidemic
were about three weeks ago released news and pictures of how Haitian citizens threw stones at the armed forces of MINUSTAH and indignantly protested against this, where they accused them of having brought about a Nepalese soldiers cholera into the country.
The first impression for those who have no additional information was, that it is a trade from the dislike of any occupying power that emerged rumor.
How could that be proved? Very few of us knew the symptoms of cholera and its mode of transmission. After a few days listening to the protests in Haiti and it was not spoken about this matter.
The epidemic took its inexorable course, and other problems, such as those derived from the electoral risks we took time to complete.
met today the reliable and credible news stories of one, had really happened. The Haitian people had reasons galore to bring his indignant protest.
The news agency AFP reported verbatim: 'The renowned French epidemiologist Renaud Piarroux launched last month, a study in Haiti and came to the conclusion that the epidemic has been caused by an imported strain of bacteria, and by the Nepalese base "of the MINUSTAH "Starting spread".
Another European agency EFE said, with her hand: "The origin of the disease is in the small Location Mirebalais in the central part of the country have where the Nepalese soldiers set up their camp, and they arrived a few days after their arrival, proving the origin of the epidemic ... "
" had far, the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) denied that the epidemic had been found by their blue helmets entrance into the country. "
" ... the French doctor Renaud Piarroux which is regarded as one of the most important experts in the world in the investigation of the cholera epidemic, no doubt of the origin of disease ... "
" The investigation was Paris, where, at the request of the Haitian authorities in order, said a French diplomatic spokesman. "
" ... the occurrence of the disease coincides with the arrival of the Nepalese soldiers, who also come from a country where there is a cholera epidemic.
Anders is the so sudden and severe outbreak of cholera in a small town of a few dozen people not to explain.
The report also analyzes the way the spread of evil, as the faeces of the Nepalese camps were discharged directly into the river, which refer to the inhabitants of the village get their water. "
In what did the UN, surprised at the Most of the following, as that agency announced: They move ... " an investigation mission in the Nepalese camps, whose conclusion was that this could not be the source of the epidemic. "
Haiti may waive the midst of the destruction by the earthquake, the epidemic and its poverty is not now an international force, the organization of a ensured by foreign intervention and exploitation by the transnational companies ruined country. The UN has to not only meet the basic obligation to fight for the reconstruction and development of Haiti, but also a matter of mobilizing the necessary resources to eliminate an epidemic that threatens to escalate to the neighboring Dominican Republic, on the Caribbean, Latin America and other similar countries of Asia and Africa.
Why has the UN stiffened to deny that the people of Haiti, MINUSTAH has brought the epidemic? We do not blame Nepal that has been in the past British colony, whose men were used in the colonial wars and seek employment as soldiers today.
We have at the moment in Haiti demand for its services payable Cuban doctors and they have confirmed with remarkable accuracy by the above European agencies sent messages.
I quote here a tight summary of what we Yamila Zayas Nápoles announced, specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine and Anesthesiology, director of a medical facility with 8 basic disciplines and the diagnosis by the project, Cuba-Venezuela, which was inaugurated in October 2009 in the municipality of 86,000 inhabitants comprehensive Mirebalais in the North Department.
On Saturday, the 15th October have been admitted three patients with symptoms of diarrhea and severe dehydration, and on Sunday the 16th another 4 with similar symptoms, but from the same family, so the decision was made to isolate them and tell what happened to the mission. On Monday the 17th suddenly were 28 patients admitted with similar symptoms.
The Medical Mission sent with urgency, a group of experts in epidemiology, took samples of blood and fecal samples and collected samples of vomit and the details which were sent with urgency in the national laboratories of Haiti.
On 22 October was informed then that the isolated bacterial strain corresponded to the prevailing disease in Asia and Oceania, which is the most serious. The unity of the Nepalese UN peacekeepers is stationed on the banks of the river Artibonite, which meanders through the small village Meye, where the epidemic began, and Mirebalais, where they then spread quickly.
Despite such unexpected ways died of the outbreak of cholera in the small but excellent Hospital in the service of Haiti from the first, beginning in isolated parts of the same patients treated 2822 only 13 people, representing a mortality rate of 0.5%. Later, it was established as a separate site located the cholera treatment center in 3459 patients 5 very serious cases are passed, ie 0.1%.
The total number of cholera patients in Haiti was today, Tuesday, 7 December, 93 222 people, and the code for the deceased patients reached 2120. In the Cuban Mission to the patients, the rate was 0.83%. The mortality rate in other hospitals is 3.2%. With the acquired experience, adequate measures and Amplification by the brigade "Henry Reeve", the Cuban medical mission set out to get the support of the Haitian authorities in any of the isolated 207 lying districts, so that none of the Haitian people missing in the face of the epidemic of medical care, and many lives are saved can.
Fidel Castro Ruz
7th December 2010 18:34
Sunday, December 5, 2010
No. 54 Je Smith's Sons Co. Sausage Stuffer
The duty and the epidemic in Haiti
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The obligation and the epidemic in Haiti
Last Friday, the 3rd December, has decided the United Nations, a general analysis of the cholera epidemic in that sister country to . Devote The message about this decision was promising. This would certainly serve to make the public opinion on the severity of the event closely and mobilize their support for the Haitian people. Finally, there is a raison d'être is to solve problems and promote peace.
The present situation of Haiti is bad and the much-needed help is low. Our hectic world spends every year, 1.5 trillion dollars in weapons and wars. What Haiti - a country which has suffered nearly a year ago the brutal earthquake that caused 250,000 dead, 300,000 injured and widespread destruction - for its reconstruction and its development is needed, experts estimate that 20 billion, or only 1.3% of what is spent annually for such purposes.
But it is not now for what would just be a dream. The UN can not only make an appeal for a modest economic aid fare that could be solved in a few minutes, but also calls to 350 doctors and 2,000 nurses, of the non-poor countries have and which the rich countries take for them usually. Cuba has responded immediately and offered 300 doctors and nurses. Our Cuban Medical Mission in Haiti treated almost 40% of cholera patients. Quickly she has devoted himself to the call of the International Organisation of the task of searching for the specific causes for the high mortality rate. The low rate in the treated patients of them, which is below 1% - which is reduced and will continue to diminish with each day - compared to 3% in the other health facilities treated individuals working in the country.
It is obvious that limits the number of deaths not only on reported more than 1,800 people. These figures are those not included, which without medical treatment and without any of the existing health facilities visit die.
Upon investigation of the causes among those who visited with the highest severity of the disease, the health institutions to combat the epidemic, which is supervised by our doctors, they found that these were from the most remote districts of communities that have hardly any traffic and communication links. Haiti is a mountainous surface and in many places you can lie isolated places only reached by a march over rugged terrain.
The country is divided into 140 municipalities, urban or rural, and 570 municipal districts. In such an isolated hamlet situated where - according to the estimates of the Protestant pastor - about 5,000 people live, 20 of them had died from the epidemic without having visited a health facility.
the urgent investigation of the Cuban medical mission in coordination with the health authorities, it was found that 207 Haitian districts have the most remote places without access to the centers for the fight against cholera and health facilities.
In the aforementioned meeting of the United Nations confirmed that the wife Valerie Amos told of need, which the UN Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and is in an urgent mission had two days to visit the country and calculated the number of 350 doctors and 2,000 nurses. It had been necessary to bring the country 'human resources experience to calculate the amount of resources are required. That factor will also be a function of the hours and days, the staff that is dedicated to the fight against the epidemic. An important fact to consider is not only the work time spent, but the service hours. In examining the high mortality is observed that 40% of mortality in the night hours is observed, which revealed that the patients receive at these times is not the same treatment for their disease.
Our Mission estimates that the best use of staff would reduce the said total number. The Cuban Medical Mission is certain that the epidemic caused by the mobilization of available human resources of the Brigade "Henry Reeve" and the graduates of the Latin American School of Medicine ELAM even in the midst of the enormous, by the earthquake and hurricane devastation by the unpredictable rain and poverty adversity and dominated the lives of thousands of people can be preserved, which would inexorably die under the current circumstances.
On Sunday the 28th found the elections for president, the whole of the House of Representatives and part of the Senate instead, which was a tense and complicated event, which we very worried because it is an epidemic and the traumatic situation of the country with respect.
In his statement of 3rd December, said the Secretary General of the UN literally the following: "'I call on all political actors to ensure that they are no matter what their complaints or reservations about the electoral process were also included starting the violence and to debate the matter once and to find a solution before a crisis breaks out, '"reported a major European news agency.
According to this Agency has urged the Secretary-General, the international community to fulfill the transfer of 164 million dollars, of which only 20% have been presented.
It is not correct, so to apply to a country as if you scold a child. Haiti is a country that has been two centuries ago, the first of the hemisphere, that put an end to slavery. It is the victim of any type of colonial and imperialist aggression was. It was occupied by the U.S. government nearly six years ago after a fratricidal war had been broken by the fence. The presence of a foreign occupying power, in the name of the United Nations, but knows that land is not the right to that their dignity and history be respected.
The attitude of the UN Secretary General's call to the Haitian people, to avoid collisions with each other, in our opinion, incorrect. On 28 have opposition parties in the relatively early morning signed a call to protest on the streets, which they caused demonstrations and created a significant confusion in the country, especially in Port-au-Prince, and especially abroad. Nevertheless, it both the government and the opposition has managed to prevent acts of violence. The next day was calm has returned in the nation.
The European agency reported that Ban Ki-moon following Statement was made about the "elections of last Sunday in Haiti [...]. That the registered 'irregularities appear to be now more serious than was thought at the beginning'"
Anyone who has read all the information from Haiti and the subsequent statements of the main Opposition candidate who can not comprehend that the person who called you to avoid fratricidal struggles after among voters created confusion on the eve of the election results that will determine the two opposing candidates for the elections in January, now says, that the problems would have been more serious than he would have thought at the beginning, which means to add fuel to the fire of political differences.
Yesterday, on 4 December, 12th, Anniversary of the arrival of the Medical Mission of Cuba in the Republic of Haiti. Since then, thousands of Cuban doctors and health professionals serving in Haiti did. We have with his people to peace and war, lived during earthquakes and hurricanes. We are in these times of intervention, occupation and epidemics are at his side.
The President of Haiti, the central and local authorities, regardless of what their religious or political ideas are also aware that on Cuba can count.
Fidel Castro Ruz
5th December 2010 20:12
Reflections by comrade Fidel: The obligation and the epidemic in Haiti
Last Friday, the 3rd December, has decided the United Nations, a general analysis of the cholera epidemic in that sister country to . Devote The message about this decision was promising. This would certainly serve to make the public opinion on the severity of the event closely and mobilize their support for the Haitian people. Finally, there is a raison d'être is to solve problems and promote peace.
The present situation of Haiti is bad and the much-needed help is low. Our hectic world spends every year, 1.5 trillion dollars in weapons and wars. What Haiti - a country which has suffered nearly a year ago the brutal earthquake that caused 250,000 dead, 300,000 injured and widespread destruction - for its reconstruction and its development is needed, experts estimate that 20 billion, or only 1.3% of what is spent annually for such purposes.
But it is not now for what would just be a dream. The UN can not only make an appeal for a modest economic aid fare that could be solved in a few minutes, but also calls to 350 doctors and 2,000 nurses, of the non-poor countries have and which the rich countries take for them usually. Cuba has responded immediately and offered 300 doctors and nurses. Our Cuban Medical Mission in Haiti treated almost 40% of cholera patients. Quickly she has devoted himself to the call of the International Organisation of the task of searching for the specific causes for the high mortality rate. The low rate in the treated patients of them, which is below 1% - which is reduced and will continue to diminish with each day - compared to 3% in the other health facilities treated individuals working in the country.
It is obvious that limits the number of deaths not only on reported more than 1,800 people. These figures are those not included, which without medical treatment and without any of the existing health facilities visit die.
Upon investigation of the causes among those who visited with the highest severity of the disease, the health institutions to combat the epidemic, which is supervised by our doctors, they found that these were from the most remote districts of communities that have hardly any traffic and communication links. Haiti is a mountainous surface and in many places you can lie isolated places only reached by a march over rugged terrain.
The country is divided into 140 municipalities, urban or rural, and 570 municipal districts. In such an isolated hamlet situated where - according to the estimates of the Protestant pastor - about 5,000 people live, 20 of them had died from the epidemic without having visited a health facility.
the urgent investigation of the Cuban medical mission in coordination with the health authorities, it was found that 207 Haitian districts have the most remote places without access to the centers for the fight against cholera and health facilities.
In the aforementioned meeting of the United Nations confirmed that the wife Valerie Amos told of need, which the UN Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and is in an urgent mission had two days to visit the country and calculated the number of 350 doctors and 2,000 nurses. It had been necessary to bring the country 'human resources experience to calculate the amount of resources are required. That factor will also be a function of the hours and days, the staff that is dedicated to the fight against the epidemic. An important fact to consider is not only the work time spent, but the service hours. In examining the high mortality is observed that 40% of mortality in the night hours is observed, which revealed that the patients receive at these times is not the same treatment for their disease.
Our Mission estimates that the best use of staff would reduce the said total number. The Cuban Medical Mission is certain that the epidemic caused by the mobilization of available human resources of the Brigade "Henry Reeve" and the graduates of the Latin American School of Medicine ELAM even in the midst of the enormous, by the earthquake and hurricane devastation by the unpredictable rain and poverty adversity and dominated the lives of thousands of people can be preserved, which would inexorably die under the current circumstances.
On Sunday the 28th found the elections for president, the whole of the House of Representatives and part of the Senate instead, which was a tense and complicated event, which we very worried because it is an epidemic and the traumatic situation of the country with respect.
In his statement of 3rd December, said the Secretary General of the UN literally the following: "'I call on all political actors to ensure that they are no matter what their complaints or reservations about the electoral process were also included starting the violence and to debate the matter once and to find a solution before a crisis breaks out, '"reported a major European news agency.
According to this Agency has urged the Secretary-General, the international community to fulfill the transfer of 164 million dollars, of which only 20% have been presented.
It is not correct, so to apply to a country as if you scold a child. Haiti is a country that has been two centuries ago, the first of the hemisphere, that put an end to slavery. It is the victim of any type of colonial and imperialist aggression was. It was occupied by the U.S. government nearly six years ago after a fratricidal war had been broken by the fence. The presence of a foreign occupying power, in the name of the United Nations, but knows that land is not the right to that their dignity and history be respected.
The attitude of the UN Secretary General's call to the Haitian people, to avoid collisions with each other, in our opinion, incorrect. On 28 have opposition parties in the relatively early morning signed a call to protest on the streets, which they caused demonstrations and created a significant confusion in the country, especially in Port-au-Prince, and especially abroad. Nevertheless, it both the government and the opposition has managed to prevent acts of violence. The next day was calm has returned in the nation.
The European agency reported that Ban Ki-moon following Statement was made about the "elections of last Sunday in Haiti [...]. That the registered 'irregularities appear to be now more serious than was thought at the beginning'"
Anyone who has read all the information from Haiti and the subsequent statements of the main Opposition candidate who can not comprehend that the person who called you to avoid fratricidal struggles after among voters created confusion on the eve of the election results that will determine the two opposing candidates for the elections in January, now says, that the problems would have been more serious than he would have thought at the beginning, which means to add fuel to the fire of political differences.
Yesterday, on 4 December, 12th, Anniversary of the arrival of the Medical Mission of Cuba in the Republic of Haiti. Since then, thousands of Cuban doctors and health professionals serving in Haiti did. We have with his people to peace and war, lived during earthquakes and hurricanes. We are in these times of intervention, occupation and epidemics are at his side.
The President of Haiti, the central and local authorities, regardless of what their religious or political ideas are also aware that on Cuba can count.
Fidel Castro Ruz
5th December 2010 20:12
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