"queen of the skies in Germany" on the Internet
Munich (flying in) Wiesbaden - The website "Google books" makes it possible: At the address http://books.google.de/books?id=sOlR-UC68r4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=K% C3% B6niginnen + the + L% C3% BCfte + v + Germany & hl = en & ei = 6ceHTOnSC8_EswbTkInkCg & sa = X & oi = book_result & ct = result & resnum = 1 & ved = 0CC4Q6AEwAA # = onepage & q & f = false can be free on the Internet in the 233-page paperback "queens browse through the skies in Germany ". This pocket guide was written by Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst, whose specialties include biographies of famous women. The title "queen of the skies in Germany" presents famous female aviator, balloonist inner, inner balloon and parachute jumpers. Ernst Probst, also produced the pocket books "queen of the skies from A to Z," "queen of the skies in France", "queen of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand", "queen of the skies in Europe," "Queens of the air in America "," Three Queens of the skies in Bayern "(with Josef Eimannsberger) and dozens of e-books in PDF format with short biographies of famous pilots inside.
summary of the pocket book "Queen of the skies in Germany"
queens of the skies in Germany are in the same Paperback of the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst in word and image often presented with. His specialties include biographies about famous women and popular science topics. 18 chapters describe the lives of Liesel Bach, Melli Beese, Elly Beinhorn, Vera Bissing, Marga of Etzdorf, Margret Fusbahn, Luise Hoffmann, Thea Knorr, Rita Maiburg, Kate Paul, Thea Rasche, Wilhelmine Reichard, Hanna Reitsch, Chris-Marie Schultes, Lisl Schwab, Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg, Sabine Trube and Beate Uhse. Liesel Bach deserves the honor to have been Germany's most successful art aviator. Melli Beese acquired the first in their home country, a pilot license. The legendary Elly Beinhorn flew as the first woman in the world, all continents. Luise Hoffmann distinguished himself as the first German Einfliegerin, Kitty Paul as the first German airship designer, Thea Rasche ("The Flying Fraulein") as the first German art aviator, Wilhelmine Reichard first German balloon driver, Beate Uhse, born Köstlin, as the first German stunt pilot. Hanna Reitsch is even considered a world-class pilot. She put on more than 40 records in all classes and types of aircraft, was the first female airline pilot, flew the first woman to a helicopter and took the first helicopter flight in a hall. In the chapter "Queens of the Air" you will find 42 short biographies in brief Andrea Amberg of Elisabeth Hartmann, Angelika Machinek, Elfriede Riotte, Lola Schröter, Antonie Strassmann, Mutz snaffle, Margaret Waltz, Iris Wittig and other aviation pioneers to Liesel Zangemeister . The outstanding achievements of women pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers and while women are listed in the "Facts and Figures". It begins with the first flight of a woman in a hot air balloon and ends with the first flight of a space tourist. Like a common thread running through the Paperback how hard it was previously done by men, often women, to learn the flying and take in air distance. Until recently pilots worldwide had suffered prejudice.
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