Monday, February 28, 2011

Wedding Reception Seating Chart Ideas

# 15 - Blog # 1

heiii her sweet ..
I just wanted to do with the blog idea .. As you may know .. I have previously on this blog ideas blog also made .. but this time I want to do something different .. so I can start all take into consideration .. been curious how I do it ^ ^ .. is not great but I still think helpful for many bloggers and bloggers =)

It has a totally sweet and nice blog =). I like him =). A click is really worth.

your blog is really sweet, I hope they will soon be blogging further. Unfortunately it is currently in a blog break, but you clean it clicked and watched the blogging because of you further =)

Your blog is really good, I like that also because he is not as rosy at the moment, okay is a beautiful pink color, but something different. Click around inside =)

Ahh, I just find her blog name soo nice * __ * and her blog is also very great. So I like him, you click in and see for yourself =)

Soah that's it for today .. normal to the memories =) .. All blogs are worth a click !!!.. So do not be deter =) .. good night .. sweet her sleep well and sweet dreams ^ ^ what .. I will learn something and then sleep =)

EDIT: I will all the new header of course, again purely to make ^ ^

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sleeve Tattoo Tom Delonge

Performances # 14 - probems, grief Worries .. where to put it ..

heii her sweet .. yes to the late hour I blog more .. But I just wanted to put something to the heart .. because even with me for the time so not everything is perfect.

but I beg you dear reader, or rather reading this article =) .. no matter what's going on with you is .. no matter what problems you have .. no matter what cause for grief and make you .. but please trust up a dir important to people .. please .. that is the most important thing you can .. Tell your mummy, sister, cousin, your dad, brother or cousin .. or some other trusted person with you .. But the most important is simply .. worry about his problems, fears and talk .. Of course you should tell your favorite sometimes .. what exactly is going well .. not just the bad .. But if something goes bad .. someone you trust to .. I can really only lay near .. your favorite people will support you in everything that do or do will also tuhen .. umd this problem get added back .. unless of course it is not illegal .. but I think you know decides himself =) .. But no matter whether grief and sorrow .. joy and laughter .. where everything .. your most important people are always behind you and try to give you advice .. but hear your vertrausperson open and honest .. for what they say and you and talk to her openly and honestly about the things .. it is also a good rat come

yes her sweet .. For whatever reason the text .. but I was too easy then .. and I think he comes right out of you or personal? .. well you sweet .. I wish you a nice sleep and nice pleasant evening =) .. kisses and thanks for reading xD

PS If we can somehow help you, send us a message by e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, or contact field (coming soon). We will help, of course, very very happy. need your name you do not specify .

Printable Harley Davidson Birthday Card

# 13 - # 12 American Idol xD

heii her sweet .. sorry I was so late blogging .. but have already worked with some .. have now .. for a week a separate apartment the people are where I am in the apartment, on vacation and I'm just all alone .. can and will think much .. have happened over the last events of the life so in my .. it's just happening too much lately .. maybe even too much for me personally .. I would not say now what is happening .. but I can say with all the things that have happened .. would certainly have broken dozens of girls together .. and I just want to be strong .. for me and my environment .. someone they have to laugh but to make =) .. I have already done so much in my life and reached .. I still want more more to come =) .. I created this "little" deep well .. I'm sure .. I just try to think positive .. even if at the time is damn hard .. well I'm going to quit my whining ^ ^ .. interested do not be determined .. xD

soah now to the actual blogging what I wanted =) .. Surely you have followed or ALL American Idol yesterday? .. I would like to know for whom you so and who has for you in the week nights, the first thing should be kicked out?

so I must say this season was really damn good match here .. I thought I just woow .. and in the top 15 are, unfortunately, which kicked out .. where I thought .. bad top 10 would be cool with that .. ^ ^ Well, we can not change turn ^ ^ .. So send us comments =) .. welcome all comments =) .. knutschaaa: -*

achjaaa have you seen the magazine yesterday? Ardian, Pietro and marvin xD .. the spoon with that? ahh that was soo cool, I've thrown away xD soooo

How To Adjut Flame On Gas Heater


Good day dear ones =)

Da Soul Mate was posted on water and the burning of calories, I want to tell you some time to do so. And although I've last seen such a report to the then said was that gum chewing also burns calories .
If you chew gum on day 8 hours and for a year, then you burn in year 5 pounds. Chewed one hour per day, are the 10 calories an hour. Quite interesting ... but kinda crazy ..
Today is Sunday and I had not planned on Sundays, as always, what really, so I was swimming today and must still learn .. but only just chill time =). I wish you a nice Sunday afternoon, see you soon!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sportster Drag Bars Brake L

Tips # 11 - water to drink ..

heiii her sweet .. sorry that we still did not come, but both have had some stress ^ ^ .. blogging now just a little something =) .. Today I had some private problems .. then try to blog from tomorrow night =) ..
drinking water burns calories =)
and that whole (ca) 100 kcal at 3 liters

pretty wicked right?
and only if you drink water ^ ^

well you sweet .. I will then try to report tomorrow ^ ^
will look like then watch TV and then sleep a bit then go to get up at 7 ^ ^ clock

kussii and you have a pretty good night and thank schöön for the comments and click: -*

Friday, February 25, 2011

Average Surgeon App Walkthrough

# 10 Recommendation of the day =)

Hiya =)
I sign up now once again. Unfortunately, I could at the time blogging not so much because I currently in the learning and stress just before the final stand. But that does not matter. Today I'm still spontaneously been to the hairdresser, WITHOUT PRIOR even knowing what I want to change my hair.
But then was quite happy with the result =) Light brown colored and layered cut.

Now for the real thing ...
normal I've always bought my cosmetics in drug stores. Most recently, I use items from the pharmacy, consisting of water-based products and natural products are produced including completely allergy-free. Since I was very excited about the mascara, I thought that I recommend to you the times.

The mascara of Claire Fisher (+ day cream) is in black and brown.
This is a volume mascara with black currant, which makes for extra fullness and sweeping lashes. For a ausdruckststarken view!

Yes, otherwise today is not much going on with me. I am glad that the week is finally around.
wishes you all a beautiful Friday evening and a wonderful weekend =)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can You Cut Stretched Labia

# 9 - Ideas and suggestions for improvement?

heii her sweet .. okay =) .. There is still a record ^ ^ .. but this one will only be a small entry .. because it is only a question =).
What do you wish you what we blog?
Do you have ideas?

What should we improve on the blog or also change?
Or since her peace with us?

write us a comment =) .. your opinion is very important to us would & your ideas help us very =) .. we want so that you like to read our articles =) and we also want the blog, what interests you =)
So let da comment =).

Kusssiiii and a pretty good night I wish you: -*

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Disposable Chinese Spoons

Chapter by Luisa Hartnack

... it remains exciting!
Dr. Ben just knows no further. A glance out the window toward the final frontier, and the well-chilled Riesling him with no idea. The couple, who found the deaths claimed during questioning, no further knowledge.
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel. has overlooked any evidence that Dr. Ben?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Average Surgeon Xmas App Walkthrough

NATO is planning to Libya to occupy

Reflections by comrade Fidel: plant NATO Libya occupy

The crude oil was the main wealth in the hands of the major U.S. transnationals, with this energy source they have has a tool that their political power in the world increased considerably. That was their main weapon, when they decided to liquidate the Cuban revolution just as the first few just and sovereign laws were promulgated in our country, that is, we take away the oil.

Based this energy source has become today's civilization. Venezuela was the country in this hemisphere, which paid the highest price. The United States took possession of the enormous resources with which this brother country has been blessed by nature.

began after the end of World War II, oil production in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and in neighboring Arab countries. These were the primary suppliers. The world consumption rose to the fabulous amount of about 80 million barrels a day, including the flow rate in the United States to the recently added some gas, hydropower and nuclear energy came from. By the beginning of the 20th Century, coal was the main source of energy that allowed the industrial development before producing billions of cars and engines that use liquid fuel.

The waste of oil and gas are connected with one of the greatest tragedies of humanity, with climate change. took

When our revolution started, Algeria, Libya and Egypt were not oil producers, and much of the abundant reserves of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and the United Arab Emirates had not yet discovered.

In December 1951 Libya was the first African country to reach after the Second World War, his independence. In that war it was the site of important battles made between German and British troops, the generals such as Erwin Rommel and Bernard L. Montgomery famous.

95% of the territory of this country is desert. The technology made it possible to discover significant deposits of excellent quality light crude oil, which now reach 1.8 million barrels a day, plus a large amount of natural gas. This wealth enabled a life expectancy of 75 years and the highest per capita incomes in Africa. The rigors of the desert is above a huge lake of fossil water, which is about three times the size of Cuba. This has allowed Libya to build a network of fresh water lines throughout the country.

Libya, which had at the time of independence a million inhabitants, currently has about six million.

The Libyan revolution took place in September 1969. Their leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, a military Bedouin origin, has been inspired since his early young end of the ideas of the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. No doubt many of his decisions with the associated changes, was overthrown as in the case of Egypt, as a weak and corrupt monarchy in Libya.

The people of this country have a thousand years of fighting Traditions. It is said that the Libyans were members of the army of Hannibal in the ancient world than that with the army with which he crossed the Alps, would have almost brought down the ancient Rome.

One can agree or not with Gaddafi. The world has been flooded with all manner of news, especially through the mass media. You have to wait a while to really see what is truth or lie, or a mixture of all the events that led to this chaos in Libya. What is absolutely clear to me is that it is the Government of the United States did not at peace located in Libya, and it will not hesitate, the NATO command for the invasion of that to give rich country, be it in a few hours or in the next few days.

Those who invented the lie vile intentions, which Gaddafi has traveled to Venezuela, as they did yesterday afternoon, on Sunday, 20 February, have done, today received a decent response from Nicolás Maduro, Foreign Minister of Venezuela, as he literally said that he hoped "that the Libyan people find in the exercise of its sovereignty without the interference of imperialism for a peaceful solution to its difficulties, the integrity of the Libyan people and the nation forbid ... "

I can not imagine that the Libyan man leaves the country and the responsibility entrusted to it deprives them partially or completely wrong or was not.

An honest person will always be against any injustice perpetrated against any nation in the world, and the worst would be at this moment, silent about this from NATO in preparation crimes against the Libyan people.

It urged the military leadership of this organization actually commit this crime. You must denounce the public!

Fidel Castro Ruz

21st February 2011 22:14

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rikers Island Visiting List

The Revolutionary Rebellion in Egypt

Reflections by Comrade Fidel: The revolutionary rebellion in Egypt

few days ago I said that the fate was sealed by Mubarak, and that not even Obama can save him.

The world knows what is happening in the Middle East. The news spread incredibly quickly. Hardly enough to the politicians the time to read the messages received hourly. All are aware of the importance of what happened there.
has to
After 18 days of hard struggles, the Egyptian people an important goal: to overthrow the most important U.S. ally in the Arab countries. Mubarak plundered and oppressed his own people, was the enemy Palestinians and Israel is complicit, the sixth nuclear power of the earth, coupled with the belligerent group of NATO.

The Egyptian armed forces under the command of Gamal Abdel Nasser, a submissive king thrown overboard and founded the Republic, which defended with the assistance of the USSR, the country in 1956 against the French, British and Israeli invasion and possession of the Suez Canal and the independence of their nation's thousand-year saved.

enjoyed this reason Egypt is highly regarded in the Third World. Nasser was one of the outstanding leaders of the Movement of Non-Aligned States, on whose foundation he and other known leaders from Asia, Africa and Oceania took part in fighting for national liberation and the political and economic independence of former colonies.

Egypt always enjoyed the support and respect of this international organization which has over one hundred countries. Especially now that sister country to chair this motion for the corresponding period of three years has held. And the support of many member countries in the battle which now leads his people will not be coming.

meant what the agreements of Camp David, and why the heroic Palestinian people of their most vital rights defended so fiercely?

At Camp David, brokered by the then President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, signed the elected Egyptian Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin, the famous agreement between Egypt and Israel.

They say that they conducted secret talks for twelve days and on 17 September 1978 two important agreements signed are: an on peace between Egypt and Israel, thought, and a second concerning the establishment of an autonomous territory in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, of which el-Sadat and Israel knew and shared this view-that the the seat of the Palestinian State should be, its existence as well as the state of Israel by the Organization of the United Nations on 29 November 1947 agreed during the British mandate of Palestine.

After laborious and difficult talks accepted Israel to withdraw its troops from Egyptian territory of Sinai, but refused categorically to participate in that peace negotiations, the Palestinian representative.

As a result, Israel was the first agreement within a year occupied during the Arab-Israeli war territory of Sinai to Egypt.

force of the second agreement committed both sides to negotiate the Establishment of an autonomous regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The West Bank covers an area of 5,640 square kilometers and 2.1 million inhabitants, and the Gaza Strip, 360 square kilometers and 1.5 million people.

The Arab countries were outraged by the agreement because it considers Egypt did not defend with the necessary energy and strength of a Palestinian state, whose right to exist has been the focus of the Arab States of the decades of the battles.

The outrage led to such an extreme reaction of these countries, many of them broke off relations with Egypt. In this way the UN resolution of November 1947 is deleted from the map. The autonomous "nature" was never established, thus depriving the Palestinians the right to existence as an independent state, from which derives the infinite tragedy we experience and which was more than three decades to be solved.

The Arab population of Palestine is the victim of a kind of genocide, land is taken away from her or she is cut off in this semi-desert of the water supply and the homes are destroyed by wrecking balls. In the Gaza Strip about a half million people are systematically with explosive projectiles, burning phosphorus and designated as "for fools" Grenades attacked. The area of the Gaza Strip is blocked sea and land side. Why is so much talk of the agreements of Camp David, while Palestine is not mentioned?

Each year the United States to provide Israel the most advanced and most sophisticated equipment worth thousands of millions of dollars. Egypt, an Arab country, was transformed into the second largest recipient of arms from the United States. In order to fight against whom? Against another Arab country? Against its own people of Egypt?

When the people respect their most basic rights and demanded the resignation of a president whose policies in the exploitation and plundering of his own people was that trained by the United States repressive forces have not hesitated to fire on the people, with hundreds of people killed and thousands were injured. As expected

the Egyptian People's explanations of the government of his own country, the responses of senior officials of the intelligence or the Government of the United States, came and without any respect for the Egyptian leaders. If

have had about the leaders of the U.S. and its intelligence agencies no idea of the colossal looting by the Mubarak government?

Before the mass protests of the people on the Tahrir Square have started, neither government officials U.S. intelligence still a word about the privileges and the naked theft of billions of dollars lost.

It would be a mistake to think that the Egyptian revolutionary popular movement theory, a response to the violation of basic rights. International challenge neither the repression nor death, nor does it hold up for nights on the protest only because of procedural issues. You do that when their legal and substantive rights without mercy the insatiable demands of corrupt politicians and national and international circles to be sacrificed, to pillage the country.

concerned, the index of poverty is already a large majority of a militant, young and patriotic People whose dignity, culture and faith were attacked.

How can you reconcile the inevitable price increases for food with the tens of billions of dollars that President Mubarak and the privileged government and society will nachgeredet?

Now it's not enough just to know what is the sum. We must demand they give the land back.

Obama is concerned by the Egyptian events. He is or appears to act as the owner of the earth. The Egyptian events seem to be his own affair. He calls constantly with leaders from other countries.

reported the news agency EFE for example: "... he spoke with British Prime Minister, David Cameron, with King Abdallah II of Jordan and with Turkey's prime minister, the moderate Islamist Recep Tayyip Erdogan."

"... the President of the United States praised the" historic change " turn taken by the Egyptians in attack and reiterated his admiration for their efforts ... "

The main news agency of the United States, AP, submitted the following notable reasons:

" The United States do in the Middle East government forces with Western orientation, Israel friendly minded and willing to cooperate in the fight against Islamic extremism, while protecting human rights. "

" ... Barack Obama has presented a list of idealistic requirements that are impossible to fulfill, after two allies of Washington in Egypt and Tunisia fell by popular uprisings are that will expand according to experts on the region. "

"There is no brochure for this course dreamed of things and it is very difficult that in a short period of time appears. This is partly attributed to that the United States in the last 40 years, the noble ideals of human rights, they advocate so strongly, stability, continuity and the crude oil in one of the most unstable regions of the world have sacrificed. "

"Egypt will not be the same," Obama said on Friday, after he had welcomed the resignation of Hosni Mubarak. "

" The peaceful protests, according to Obama, the Egyptians their country and the world changes. "

"also continues when the nervousness among several Arab governments, the well-established elites in Egypt and Tunisia, where no signs that they were prepared to find nothing of their economic power, nor of their great influence cede.

"The Obama administration has stressed that it is not the change was the transfer of, individuals should act '." The U.S. government has reaffirmed this position since the flight of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia in January, one day after Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Arab leaders made during a speech in Qatar to point out that without a reform the foundations of their countries, would sink in the sand '. "

The people do not show up very docile in the Tahrir Square.

Europa Press reported:

"On the Tahrir Square, the central point of the mobilization of the people came, thousands of protesters to the ranks to strengthen those who held out on the court, despite the attempt of the military police to evict them, and finally the power resignation of President Hosni Mubarak led, "the Reports of the British Press Agency BBC.

"The correspondent of the BBC on the central square of Cairo assured that the army was indecisive in the face of the further influx of demonstrators ...".

"The 'hard core' has a corner of the square group [...] decided to stay on the Tahrir [...] and to ensure that all their demands are met. "

Regardless of what might happen in Egypt, is one of the most difficult problems, the faces of imperialism at that moment, the lack of grain, which I reflection of the 19th January analyzed.

The United States use a large portion of their corn crop and its soybean crop for the production of biofuel. Europe also uses the million hectares of land for this purpose. On the other side

in a row, climate change, caused mainly by the rich, developed countries, triggered a shortage of drinking water and food, which is inconsistent with the population growth that is taking place in fact in such a rhythm, that there will be in 30 years, about nine billion people without the United Nations and the most powerful governments in the world after the disappointing summit in Copenhagen and Cancun, the world public attention to this situation or would have reported it.

We want the Egyptian people and their courageous fight for in his political rights and social justice.

We are not against the Israeli people, we are opposed to the genocide of the Palestinian people and for his right to an independent state.

We are not for war, but for peace among all peoples.

Fidel Castro Ruz

13th February 2011
21.14 clock

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Does Weed Help Cataracts

The fate of Mubarak sealed

Reflections by comrade Fidel: The fate of Mubarak is sealed

Mubarak's fate is already decided, and not even the support of the United States can save his government. In Egypt, an intelligent people living with a glorious history that has left its mark on human civilization. "Watch from the top of these pyramids of 40 centuries, the" so called traditions, according to Bonaparte, in a moment of enthusiasm, as the revolution of his encyclopedic had brought about this extraordinary civilization intersection.

At the end of the Second World War, Egypt was under the brilliant leadership of Abdel Nasser, in addition to Jawaharlal Nehru legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, the African leaders Kwame Nkrumah and Ahmed Sékou Touré, and Sukarno, President of at the time, newly freed of Indonesia, the Non-Aligned Movement Countries was founded and the struggle for the independence of former colonies impetus. Such peoples of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa such as Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Western Sahara, Congo, Angola, Mozambique and others who are in Struggle against the United States supported were from the French, British, Belgian and Portuguese colonialism, fought with the support of the USSR and China for their independence.

This movement has got under way, Cuba is connected after the victory of our revolution.

In 1956, Great Britain, France and Israel have made a surprise attack against Egypt, which had nationalized the Suez Canal. The bold and united action of the USSR, which even threatened the use of strategic missile technology, has brought the action of the attackers to a standstill.

The death of Abdel Nasser on 28 September 1970 meant irreparable blow to Egypt.

The United States has not stopped, continue to foment conspiracies against the Arab peoples, are where the largest oil reserves in the world.

There is no need to say much about it, one need only read the news about the inevitably occurring events.

The messages are:

28th January:

"(DPA) - Despite the announced ban rally by the authorities are now more than 100,000 Egyptians took to the streets to protest against the government of President Hosni Mubarak ..."

"The protesters have set the offices of the National Democratic Party (NDP) of Mubarak and police guards on fire. At the same time in the center of Cairo stones thrown at the police when they them with tear gas and rubber bullets trying to blow apart. "

" The U.S. president Barack Obama today met with an expert committee to find out about the situation Council . fetch At the same time, said Robert Gibbs, spokesman for the White House that the United States will help in many millions of dollars for Egypt, according to the course of events would re-evaluate.

The United Nations from Davos, where the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday was also published a vigorous message "

" (Reuters) -. President Mubarak has curfew ordered in Egypt as well as the deployment of army troops, backed by armored vehicles in Cairo and other cities. It was reported violent clashes between protesters and police.

are On Friday in Cairo and other cities of the country the Egyptian armed forces with the support of armored vehicles deployed to stop the huge popular demonstrations, calling for the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.

medical information are that up now, 410 people were injured in the demonstrations and state television has announced the curfew for all cities known. "

" The events of a dilemma mean for the United States who have expressed their desire that the democracy at the whole region spreads. Nevertheless, Mubarak is for years a close ally of Washington and the recipient of much military aid was "

" (DPA) -. Thousands of Jordanians are now the country after Friday prayers took to the streets, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Samir Rifai, and political and economic to demand reforms. "

Midst of the Arab world, home-seeking political disaster in Switzerland have met executives analyzed the causes of this phenomenon, which they described as a common even suicide.

(EFE) -. Several political leaders ask at the Economic Forum of Davos for a change in the growth model "

" The current model of economic growth, based without considering the environmental impact on consumption, is no longer tenable, because it threatens the survival of the planet, today warned various political leaders in Davos. "

" 'The current model represents a collective suicide. We need a revolution in thinking and in action, "said Ban. 'The natural resources are less each day, "he said during a debate on how the sustainable growth in the context of the World Economic Forum is to redefine added.

'Climate change shows us that the old model is outdated for a long time, "said the person in charge of the UN.

The Secretary-General added that in addition to those basic resources for survival such as water and food also another resource dries up, and that is the time to fight climate change that. "

29. January:

"Washington (AP) - Barack Obama sought the face of the Egyptian crisis, the impossible: the angry population of an authoritarian regime with three decades under the spell, while a secure from the United States supported key allies.

The four-minute speech by the President on Friday night meant a cautious attempt to maintain a difficult balance: Obama could lose only if it is between the demonstrators demanded the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak and the regime that violently to his position of power excluded choose should.

Obama [...] does not have a regime change required. He has not said that the proclamation would be insufficient by Mubarak. "

" Obama said the words of the most violent day in Washington, has not the script of his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs removed. "

(NTX) - The daily The Washington Post has called today by the Obama administration to use its political and economic influence to get President Mubarak gives up power in Egypt"

"The United States should all their influence. applying, including more than a billion dollars, which they of the Egyptian Army to give every year to help to the latter result (the transfer of power from Mubarak) secure, "the newspaper reported in its editorial."

"... Obama said in his Friday night announced news that he continue to work with President Mubarak and would be regretted that it did not have any elections mentioned. "

" The newspaper of the opinions referred to as "not realistic", which were made by Obama and Vice President Joe binding. The latter told a radio station that he would not name the Egyptian dictator president and not the opinion was that this office should resign "

" (AFP) -. American Arab organizations urged the government of President Barack Obama, the dictatorship of Mubarak in Egypt no longer support "

" (ANSA) -. The U.S. has declared again today its; worry 'because of the violence in Egypt and made the government of Mubarak pointed out that she could not act as if nothing had happened. Fox News reported that Obama only two bad options with respect to Egypt would be left.

... he warned the government of Cairo, that they, not simply re-shuffle the cards' and act could, as if nothing had happened in the country.

The White House and the State Department is keeping a very close from the situation in Egypt, a major ally of Washington on the world and the recipient of approximately 1.5 billion dollars in the form of civil and military aid each year. "

" The U.S. media reported every day in detail about the riots in Egypt and repeatedly point out that the situation no matter what the situation is solved there could be a constant headache for Washington. "

" If Mubarak falls, is the opinion of Fox, could the United States and its other principal ally in the Middle East, Israel, a government of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo and the Western hostile turn in that country from North Africa are facing. "

" We have 50 years backed the wrong horse, "said Michael Scheuer, former CIA agent, to the Fox. , The idea that the Egyptian people will forget that we have supported a half-century dictators, is a dream, 'he added. "

" (AFP) .- The international community views multiplied on the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to implement these policy reforms and end the repression of demonstrations against his government, which had last Saturday reached only five days in a row. "

" of your hand, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and David Cameron asked on Saturday in a joint communiqué from the President about the face of legitimate, 'to lead his people, a turning process in the way' claims and to avoid the use of force against civilians at all costs'. "

" Even Iran called on Egyptian authorities to meet the demands of the people on the streets. "

" King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia other hand, was of the opinion that 'pose of Egypt, of people had infiltrated' the protests, attacks against the security and stability would be carried out on behalf of, freedom of expression. "

" The Monarch called on Mubarak to give it its solidarity explain, reported the official Saudi press agency SPA. "

31st January. "Fears (EFE) Netanyahu, that a chaos in Egypt, the acquisition enables the power by the Islamists'

" The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said today he feared, that the situation in Egypt, the acquisition enables the power by the Islamists. a concern he shares his words, with leading personalities with whom he has talked in recent days "

" ... the Prime Minister refused to those commenting on by local media spread messages that aim at that Israel has now allowed for the first time in three decades, Egypt's deployment of troops in the Sinai peninsula, which is considered a breach of the peace agreement of 1979 between the two nations considered.

other hand, given the critical statements against those Western powers like the United States and Germany, which close relations with totalitarian Arab regimes to keep the German Chancellor has confirmed. 'We did Egypt not leave' "

" The peace process between Israelis and Palestinians is paralyzed since last September, mainly because of Israeli refusal to to halt construction in Jewish settlements in occupied Palestinian territory "

" Jerusalem, (EFE) -. Israel tends to maintain the power of the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the Israeli president Simon Peres supported today by giving to understand that 'is a religious fanatic Oligarchy no better than the lack of democracy. "

" The statements by the heads of state agree with the spread of the local media of attempts by Israel to exert pressure on its Western allies, so that the tone of their criticism of the regime of Mubarak even, which try the Egyptian people and the opposition to overthrow. "

" Not 'official sources were yesterday quoted by the newspaper' Haaretz ', revealed that the Israeli Foreign Ministry on Saturday, a communiqué to its embassies in the USA, Canada, China, Russia and several European countries had sent to ask for the message that they are made before the relevant local authorities with emphasis on the importance that has the stability of Egypt for Israel. "

" The Israeli political observers point out that the case of could jeopardize Mubarak, the Camp David agreement, which Egypt signed in 1978 with Israel, and enjoy the subsequent signing of the bilateral peace agreement of 1979, especially if this is the takeover by the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood maintains that, the extensive social support. "

"Israel sees in Mubarak the guarantor of peace on its southern border, also an important support to maintain the blockade of the Gaza Strip upright and isolate the Islamic Palestinian Hamas movement. "

" One of the greatest fears of Israel is that Egyptian unrest, the Tunisian followed the walking distance, also Jordan, and weaken the regime of King Abdallah II, whose country has recognized, along with Egypt the only Arab country to Israel. "

" The recent appointment of General Omar Suleiman as Egyptian Vice President and hereby therefore possible successor has the President was in Israel welcomed maintain the close relations of cooperation in the field of defense with the General. "

" But the course taken by the Egyptian protest rallies direction does not allow you to see the continuation of the regime as a fact will be protected, and not that of Israel in the future continue in Cairo have its main regional allies "

As you can face the world for the first time three problems simultaneously.

climate crisis, food crisis and political crises.

These can be far worse danger to be added.

The dangers of a war, each time defeating a greater extent, are very latent.

will have the political leaders sufficient composure and equanimity enough to deal with them?

which depends the fate of our species.

Fidel Castro Ruz

first February 2011 19:15